12/02/2020 02:05 PM

Under the leadership of the Party and State, the implementation of social insurance and health insurance policies has gained important achievements, contributing to the sustainable social security development and stabilizing the people's life.

12/02/2020 02:05 PM

General director of Viet Nam Social Security, Nguyen Thi Minh, has decided to award certificates of merit to three units that gained remarkable achievements in implementing the programme of awarding health insurance cards to poor and underprivileged people in 2019.

11/02/2020 10:08 AM

Viet Nam Social Insurance issued Plan No 26/KH-BHXH on January 22 about the implementation of the project “Disseminating and educating laws on anti-corruption in the period 2019-21”, in accordance with the direction of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on anti-corruption.

10/02/2020 09:31 AM

Vietnam Social Security has just issued Plan No. 26/KH-BHXH dated January 22, 2020 on the implementation of the Project "Propagandizing, disseminating and educating about the law on anti-corruption in the period of 2019-2021" according to direction of the Prime Minister on the prevention of corruption.

07/02/2020 09:16 AM

On January 31, Deputy Minister, General Director of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Thi Minh signed Decision No. 136/QD-BHXH promulgating the Action Plan of Vietnam Social Security to implement Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 1, 2020 of the Government on the main tasks and solutions to direct and manage the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the State Budget estimate in 2020.

05/02/2020 10:05 AM

At the invitation from the General Director of Vietnam Social Security, Dr. Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) in the term of 2019 - 2025 will have a visit to Vietnam from February 20th to February 22nd, 2020.

04/02/2020 06:10 PM

On February 4, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc had a phone conversation with Indonesian President Joko Widodo about cooperation between ASEAN countries to deal with acute respiratory infections caused by new strains of Corona virus (2019-nCoV).

31/01/2020 09:10 AM

A resolution released at the Government's regular meeting in December 2019 stressed upon the need to have effective solutions to prevent waste in the health insurance fund.

Contribution to the development of sustainable social security

Over 13,400 health insurance cards donated to underprivileged people via Viet Nam Social Security’s supporting programme

Viet Nam Social Insurance disseminates on anti-corruption laws

Propagandizing, disseminating and educating about the law on anti-corruption in the period of 2019-2021

In 2020, Vietnam Social Security strives to develop 35% of the labor force to participate in social insurance

ISSA Secretary General - Mr. Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano: On the way to visit and work with VSS

Vietnam proposes ASEAN to coordinate in coping with nCoV epidemic

Government asks for solutions to prevent waste of health insurance fund