In 2020, Vietnam Social Security strives to develop 35% of the labor force to participate in social insurance

07/02/2020 09:16 AM

On January 31, Deputy Minister, General Director of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Thi Minh signed Decision No. 136/QD-BHXH promulgating the Action Plan of Vietnam Social Security to implement Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 1, 2020 of the Government on the main tasks and solutions to direct and manage the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and the State Budget estimate in 2020.

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Accordingly, with the goal of successfully implementing the Government's Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP of January 1, 2020, Vietnam Social Security focuses on the implementation of such key indicators as: The number of people participating in social insurance accounts for 35% of the labor force in the age group; the number of people participating in unemployment insurance accounted for 29.2% of the labor force in the age group; The number of people participating in health insurance reaches 90.9% of the population participating in health insurance.

To achieve the above goal, Vietnam Social Security will focus on specific tasks and solutions such as: Continue to keep abreast of the objectives, tasks and solutions set out in the Resolutions, Decisions, Directives, and Plans, etc. of the Party and Government on social and health insurance; Effectively implement the Law on Social Insurance, the Law on Health Insurance, the Employment Law, the Law on Occupational Safety and Health; Closely coordinate with ministries and branches in perfecting the system of policies and laws on social and health insurance; Improve the efficiency of the collection management of social insurance and health insurance debts to ensure accurate, full and timely collection and prevent losses and arrears of social insurance and health insurance premiums; Connecting information and data with relevant ministries and branches to manage operating units and newly established enterprises; Actively investigate and survey to verify the number of employees subject to social insurance and health insurance; accordingly, measures will be taken to urge and request units and enterprises to fully participate in social insurance and health insurance for employees.

Strengthen the payment management of social insurance and health insurance regimes to ensure full, timely and correct payment to beneficiaries; Implement policies of social insurance and health insurance lawfully, promptly and conveniently; Limit the profiteering social insurance and unemployment insurance fund; Improve the quality of inspection and supervision of payment of health insurance costs; Strengthen the management of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies in medical examination and treatment with health insurance; Ensure benefits of participants and limit health insurance fund overspending.

Besides, strengthen financial discipline; uphold the responsibility of the leaders when the violation occurs. Promote administrative reform, on which the focus is reforming administrative procedures in the field of social insurance and health insurance. Strengthen inspection and resolute handling of violations of law, etc.

Improve the effectiveness of propagandas, policy dissemination and laws on social insurance and health insurance to all levels, sectors, workers and people, paying special attention to employers and employees of private sector; focus on propagating and disseminating new points of policies and laws on social insurance and health insurance effective from January 1, 2020.

Promote the application of information technology in the implementation of social insurance and health insurance with the goal of publicity and transparency of the activities of the social insurance agency; Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of service and the satisfaction of people and businesses; Practicing thrift and combating wastefulness and corruption. Propagandizing, disseminating, thoroughly grasping and strictly abide by the Politburo's resolutions and conclusions and the Central Executive Committee on anti-corruption. Fight against "self-evolution, self-transformation". Strictly punish officials and public employees who cause harassment or trouble for participants and beneficiaries of policies as well as units and enterprises.

Improve the efficiency of external activities; enhance international integration, maximize the resources and favorable conditions of international integration, contributing to building a sustainable, modern and effective social security system in Vietnam.