Government asks for solutions to prevent waste of health insurance fund

31/01/2020 09:10 AM

A resolution released at the Government's regular meeting in December 2019 stressed upon the need to have effective solutions to prevent waste in the health insurance fund.

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As 2020 is the last year of the 2016-20 term and plan, the year will witness important events and anniversaries, including Party congresses at all levels toward the 13th National Party Congress. The Government asked all its members and heads of provincial people’s committees to promptly implement the Government’s resolutions on socio-economic development and State budget estimates in 2020, as well as improve the business environment and increase national competitiveness.

Ministries and State agencies have to implement directive no. 40-CT/TW issued on December 10, 2019 by the Party Central Committee Secretariat and directive no. 33/CT-TTg issued on December 19, 2019 by the Prime Minister on ensuring safety for people during the New Year, Vietnamese Lunar New Year Holiday and Spring Festival 2020.

In the resolution, the government tasked the Ministry of Health to collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and Viet Nam Social Security to conduct independent surveys, inspect, change and improve drawbacks of economic and technical standards of health services, regulating mandatory levels of compliance to ensure healthcare service quality, rights and benefits of health insurance participants, medical facilities to avoid waste of the health insurance fund and report to Prime Minister by June 2020.