26/07/2024 09:05 AM

Decent work is fundamental to ensuring sustainable and productive forestry operations that are environmentally friendly, safe for those working in them, and benefit the millions of people, many of whom are indigenous and tribal peoples, who depend on forests for their livelihoods, food and shelter.

24/07/2024 08:41 AM

The Bangladesh Business and Disability Network (BBDN) organized their largest post-COVID National Job Fair for Persons with Disabilities on 19 February resulting in 40 participants receiving jobs offers pending successful background checks.

22/07/2024 10:36 AM

In today's dynamic societal landscape, supporting women and families plays a crucial role in fostering economic growth through inclusive and sustainable development. Across the globe, countries are implementing a range of initiatives to address the challenges related to balancing work and personal lives. The solutions can be especially transformative for women, who are more likely to bear primary care responsibilities. This analysis aims to contribute to the ongoing developments in empowering women and strengthening family well-being in a rapidly evolving world, with a focus on European experiences.

18/07/2024 09:16 AM

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) has cautioned the public amidst the scorching heat in many parts of the country after the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) continues to record high temperatures exceeding 41 degrees Celsius. Based from PAGASA’s heat index, temperatures ranging from 33 to 41 degrees Celsius are classified as “extreme caution,” while 42 to 51 degrees Celsius are classified as "danger”.

16/07/2024 10:14 AM

The ILO called for better and authoritative data to track the changing world of work at the conference, which discusses the development of reliable statistics to measure and understand new forms of employment, setting a common path for the coming years.

12/07/2024 08:43 AM

The project promotes inclusive markets and agricultural value chains that increase productivity and sustainable decent work opportunities for women and youth, particularly those with low incomes, in the Jordan Valley and Jericho.

10/07/2024 02:00 PM

The dynamics of global demographics shape our world today, highlighting several key aspects: youth bulges in developing countries versus aging populations in developed ones, rapid urbanization in some regions, international migration, and persistent challenges in achieving gender equality. This blog explores these demographic shifts and their implications, particularly on labour markets.

28/06/2024 10:15 AM

Social entrepreneurs in Lebanon successfully grew their businesses through EMDAD, an ILO PROSPECTS-led initiative that offered financial support, personalized coaching, technical training, and networking opportunities, boosting their community and economic growth. Discover how Hadi Yahya's Bookstore is revitalizing reading in Lebanon with a unique book lending service and community-focused events.

Forestry, wood, pulp and paper sector

Forty persons with disabilities receive job offers at groundbreaking national job fair

Protecting families and supporting women – Gender-responsive practices in Europe

PhilHealth warns the public against heatstroke

ILO and EUROSTAT host global conference on measuring new forms of employment

The ILO and Japan conclude project empowering Palestinian women and youth in agriculture

How population trends shape our workforce

Creating a Literary Haven: The Inspiring Story of Hadi Yahya's Bookstore