24/11/2021 09:20 AM

Under the theme “Social protection in the face of digitalization and economic uncertainties”, tomorrow (Nov 25th 2021), ASSA 38th Board Meeting will be held online. BPJS Ketenagakerjaan chairs the meeting.

23/11/2021 02:31 PM

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Don Pramudwinai co-chaired the fourth meeting of the Vietnam-Thailand Joint Commission on Bilteral Cooperation (JCBC), which was held via videoconference on November 19.

23/11/2021 10:50 AM

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has signed Decision No 1942/QĐ-TTg approving a programme to improve the quality of health protection and care for contributors to the revolution, the elderly, children, people with disabilities and those in need of social assistance during the 2021-2030 period.

22/11/2021 10:05 PM

Viet Nam Social Security’s branches have been told to develop suitable solutions to increase the health insurance participants in the last months of this year.

22/11/2021 08:54 AM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) General Director Nguyen The Manh has signed Decision 3648/KH-BHXH on implementing a special emulation movement in preventing and fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

21/11/2021 01:45 PM

Implementation of the Prime Minister (PM)'s Decision No. 28/2021/QD-TTg dated October 1, 2021 on the implementation of policies to support employees and employers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic from the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Fund, after 1 month of efforts and drastic implementation, Vietnam's social security industry has achieved numerous positive results with more than 27,000 billion VND out of a total of about 38,000 billion VND of the support package being disbursed.

21/11/2021 10:18 AM

Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc will attend the 28th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting at the invitation of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

21/11/2021 09:40 AM

After implementing the support package of 38,000 billion VND, the balance of the unemployment insurance (UI) fund is still guaranteed to be double the total expenditure of the preceding year. This is a proper amount of balance, which ensures safety.

ASSA 38th Board Meeting opening on Nov 25th, 2021

Vietnam, Thailand hold 4th meeting of Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation

Expanding health insurance coverage contributes to protecting health of contributors to the revolution and those in need of social assistance

VSS’ branches told to develop suitable solutions to increase health insurance participants

Vietnam Social Security launches special emulation movement against COVID-19

More than 27,000 billion VND sent to employees and businesses after 1 month of UI fund support implementation

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc to attend 28th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting

Balance of unemployment insurance fund ensures safety