Vietnam Social Security: Solidarity, Responsibility to Overcome Difficulties to Ensure Uninterrupted Service to the People and Achieve Assigned Targets and Tasks
12/03/2025 10:05 AM
In the morning of March 8, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) held an online conference to announce and implement Decision No. 391/QD-BTC dated February 26, 2025, issued by the Minister of Finance, defining the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of Vietnam Social Security under the Ministry of Finance.
The conference at the VSS headquarter was attended by Director Le Hung Son; Deputy Directors: Tran Dinh Lieu, Dao Viet Anh, Nguyen Duc Hoa, and Chu Manh Sinh; leaders of affiliated units; and leaders of regional social security offices. At the regional and inter-district social security offices, relevant leaders and officials also participated.
In his opening remarks, Son stated that on March 5, 2025, VSS issued Official Letter No. 03/BHXH-TCCB to implement Decision No. 391/QD-BTC dated on Feb 26, 2025 by MOF. The timeline for implementing the new organizational structure across the VSS system is as follows: Vietnam Social Security: from March 1, 2025; Regional and district-level social security offices: from April 1, 2025.
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Recognizing the importance of operating and organizing the VSS system efficiently, the restructuring and streamline the apparatus aims to enhance effectiveness and better serve employers, employees, and the public amid challenges in fulfilling the industry's political mission. “Therefore, the VSS leaders has decided to hold this conference to thoroughly instruct all units, especially the heads of units from central to regional and district level social security offices, to focus on implementing assigned tasks under the new organizational model, with a strong commitment to achieving the assigned targets,” said Director Le Hung Son.
During the conference, the Personnel Organization Department announced the decisions of the Minister of Finance regarding the functions, tasks, authority, and organizational structure of VSS under MOF; as well as the functions, tasks, and authority of regional and inter-district social security offices. Effective March 1, 2025, VSS will operate as a specialized unit under the Ministry of Finance, responsible for implementing social insurance (SI) and health insurance (HI) policies, collecting and pay unemployment insurance (UI) premiums, managing and utilizing extra-budgetary state financial funds, and conducting specialized inspections of SI, UI, and HI contributions as per legal regulations. VSS will also participate in the development and improvement of SI, UI, and HI policies and laws. The organization will possess legal entity status, a seal featuring the national emblem, and bank accounts at commercial banks and the State Treasury, with its headquarters in Hanoi.
The new VSS structure follows a three-tier system: 14 advisory units at the central level; 35 regional social security offices and 350 inter-district social security offices.The restructuring reduces the total number of units from 1,470 to 747, cutting 723 units, or 49.2%.
Regarding personnel working, Nguyen Huu Thanh, Head of the Personnel Organization Department, announced the Minister of Finance's decisions on appointing the VSS Director, Deputy Directors, 15 department heads and equivalents, and 49 deputy department heads and equivalents. Additionally, Director Le Hung Son issued decisions on the transfer and appointment of 35 regional social security office directors.
At the conference, Director Le Hung Son presented commendation certificates, retirement decisions, and congratulatory flowers to 16 leaders of affiliated units and provincial social security offices, representing 61 officials who voluntarily retired under Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP. He acknowledged and praised their dedication and sacrifice, which contributed to streamlining the VSS system.
To expedite the implementation of tasks, Deputy Director Nguyen Duc Hoa and leaders of several affiliated units provided guidance on SI and HI policy implementation, financial accounting, and medical cost settlement.
Concluding the conference, Son emphasized that restructuring VSS in line with central government directives is a significant political task, aligning with the nationwide administrative reform effort. This restructuring not only reshapes the organization but also lays the foundation for improving social security service efficiency.
On behalf of the VSS leadership, he commended the solidarity, unity, and determination of all officials and employees, especially leaders and unit heads, in fulfilling their responsibilities despite concerns and challenges.
To implement Decision No. 391/QĐ-BTC dated February 26, 2025, of the Minister of Finance on the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of Vietnam Social Security under the Ministry of Finance, as well as the Decisions on the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of various units and the announced Decisions on personnel work, Son requests the heads of units under Vietnam Social Security at the central level, Regional Social Security office directors, Provincial Social Security office directors, and District Social Security office Directors to focus on implementing the following tasks:
Firsly, thoroughly instruct civil servants, public employees, and workers to strictly comply with the Decisions of the Minister of Finance and the Decisions of the Director of Vietnam Social Security; Focus on directing the implementation of political tasks according to functions and duties, continuing to provide the best service to employers, workers, and the people in the area.
Secondly, Adhere to the implementation timeline of function and task under new organizational strucutre in VSS as follow:
VSS: from March 1, 2025
Regional social security offices (province): 7 independent regional social security offices: from March 6, 2025; 28 regional offices (merging two provincial units): from April 1, 2025; 350 district-level offices: from April 1, 2025.
Thirdly, during reorganizing VSS struture, provincial social security offices implement function, mission, finance, assets, personnel under VSS’ Office No. 560/BHXH-TCCB dated on Feb 28th 2025
Forthly, the existing functions and responsibilities are maintained until March 31, 2025, ensuring smooth transition and handover of responsibilities, finances, assets, and personnel. By March 15, 2025, regional directors should propose personnel arrangements for managerial and accounting positions, to be approved by VSS and the Ministry of Finance by March 31, 2025.
Fifth, The VSS Office will oversee office space arrangements and asset allocation under the new structure. The Finance-Accounting Department will manage financial and asset redistribution for regional and district offices.
Sixth, unit heads must finalize operational procedures, management decentralization, and IT application integration before March 31, 2025, ensuring seamless operation of the new three-tier VSS system from April 1, 2025, Ensuring the organization and operation of Vietnam Social Security at three levels (Central, Regional, and District) under the new organizational structure from April 1, 2025. Special attention should be given in March and April 2025, requesting unit heads to overcome all difficulties and focus on directing the implementation of tasks to prevent any disruptions or work stagnation. This is to avoid negatively impacting the achieved targets, coverage, and tasks, as well as the reputation and image of VSS at all levels and their service to the public.
"In order to fulfill these key requirements and tasks, I urge all civil servants, officials, and employees within the Vietnam Social Security system to continue demonstrating a strong sense of responsibility, unity, and dedication to the national social security mission. Together with the leadership of Vietnam Social Security and unit leaders, we must be determined to successfully achieve the assigned targets and tasks. It is essential to actively build, manage, and operate the new organizational structure of Vietnam Social Security at all three levels—Central, Provincial, and District—ensuring increasing professionalism, streamlining, and enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in accordance with regulations and directives from the Minister of Finance," emphasized Director Lê Hùng Sơn.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security