Directive No. 31-CT/TW on Continuing to Strengthen the Party’s Leadership in Occupational Safety and Hygiene in the New Context be implemented

01/03/2025 03:26 PM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has recently issued Plan No. 1234-KH/BCSĐ dated December 26th, 2024, on the implementation of Directive No. 31-CT/TW dated March 19th, 2024, of the Secretariat of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party on continuing to strengthen the Party’s leadership in occupational safety and hygiene in the new context.

PM urges enhancement of occupational hygiene and safety rules

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This aims to thoroughly disseminate and effectively implement the key tasks and solutions outlined in Directive No. 31-CT/TW and enhance the awareness of officials, Party members, and employees in the VSS industry regarding the role, position, and significance of occupational safety and hygiene, contributing to ensuring occupational safety and hygiene for workers while effectively implementing social insurance policies and laws on this matter, thereby successfully achieving the objectives and solutions set forth in Directive No. 31-CT/TW.

The implementation of Directive No. 31-CT/TW and this Plan must be carried out seriously, practically, and effectively, in line with the actual conditions of the Vietnam Social Security industry and localities; Regular monitoring, inspection, supervision, and reporting on the implementation results of the Directive are required.

08 key tasks and solutions

Firstly, communication, dissemination, and awareness-raising efforts are strengthened to enhance the understanding and responsibility of officials, Party members, especially unit leaders, regarding the practical significance of occupational safety and hygiene.

Secondly,input for amendments and supplements is provided to improve the legal framework on occupational safety and hygiene in line with the socio - economic conditions of each period, particularly the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene and its guiding documents. This includes policies on preventing, mitigating, and addressing occupational safety and hygiene risks; measures for occupational accident prevention, response, and handling; technical standards on occupational safety and hygiene; and updates to the list of arduous, hazardous, and dangerous occupations, including those classified as especially strenuous, hazardous, and dangerous.

Thirdly, the implementation of policies and laws on occupational safety and hygiene are regularly inspected and supervised within the organization. The strict balance between proactive prevention and timely detection is maintained, while cases of policy abuse and legal violations are strictly handled, especially those involving organizations or individuals responsible for serious incidents compromising occupational safety and hygiene.

Điều kiện và mức hỗ trợ huấn luyện an toàn, vệ sinh lao động

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Fourthly, administrative procedure reforms are accelerated to maximize convenience for individuals, organizations, and businesses in transactions with social security office. The timely resolution of benefits and policies related to occupational accidents and diseases for workers is ensured.

Fifthly, the application of information technology is promoted and  digital transformation is comprehensively implemented in the VSS industry. The development of operational software systems and centralized databases, especially specialized databases on occupational safety and hygiene are enhanced.

Sixthly, the utilization of specialized databases on occupational safety and hygiene are maximized to share information with ministries and industries in ensuring occupational safety and hygiene.

Seventhly, It is necessary to ensure that the management and use of the accident and occupational disease insurance Fund are conducted in a transparent and public manner.

Eighth, the investment of the Occupational accident and disease insurance Fund is ensured to be safe, sustainable, and effective.

VSS’ Party Committee office shall provide comprehensive leadership and direction in inspecting and supervising the implementation of Directive No. 31-CT/TW.

Heads of affiliated units of Vietnam Social Security and Directors of provincial and municipal social security offices are assigned to disseminate and implement Directive No. 31-CT/TW and the implementation plan issued by VSS’ Party Committee. They shall be responsible for the results of the implementation of Directive No. 31-CT/TW within their respective units.