Hanoi NA Delegation surveyed the implementation of policies and laws on social insurance in the city

14/05/2024 01:55 PM

On May 8th, 2024, the Hanoi National Assembly (NA) Delegation surveyed the implementation of policies and laws on social insurance for the period of 2020-2023 in the city at Hanoi Social Security.

Director of Hanoi Social Security Phan Van Men reports on the results of implementing social insurance policies and laws for the period of 2020-2023.

Attending the survey delegation were Pham Thi Thanh Mai, City Party Committee member, Deputy Head of the Hanoi National Assembly Delegation; Ta Dinh Thi, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Science, Technology and Environment Committee; survey delegation members; representatives of leaders of relevant departments, branches, and businesses in the city.

On the side of the City Social Security Ofice, there were Phan Van Men - Director of the City Social Security, Deputy Directors, leaders of the Office and professional departments, and leaders of some district social security agencies.

Increased over 300 thousand social insurance participants

Reporting at the conference,  Men said that in recent years, social insurance has always been paid attention to by the VSS, the City Party Committee, the People's Council, and the City People's Committee, by directing party committee, government, political and social organizations to deeply grasp and raise awareness of the meaning of social and unemployment insurance; Strengthen propaganda and state management of social and unemployment insurance; Conduct the synchronous and effective implementation of social and unemployment insurance regimes and policies under regulations of the law.

The coordination in implementation of all levels and sectors is increasingly consolidated and effectively, contributing to promptly and thoroughly resolving the interests of participants. In the period 2020-2023, the City Social Security Office coordinates with departments, branches and localities to advise the City Party Committee, People's Council and People's Committee to issue 53 documents related to the timely and feasibly  implementation of policies and laws on social insurance, helping to direct, accurately and unified implementthe City's policies, contributing to ensuring social security in the Capital area.

The City Social Security Office coordinates with the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Department of Finance and other departments, branches and units to advise the City People's Committee to submit to the City People's Council to promulgate a Resolution stipulating a number of contents and spending levels within its authority. The right of the City People's Council to regulate the level of social insurance support for voluntary social insurance participants in Hanoi city; Issued a Resolution on supporting voluntary social insurance premiums for part-time commune police deployed in villages to participate in ensuring security and order at the facility, support period from January 1, 2024.

Regarding the results of implementing the coverage targets for health and social insurance, Men  said that for the period of 2020-2023, the number of annual social insurance participants of the city reached and exceeded the assigned plan. In 2020, the number of social insurance participants is 1,846,011. By 2023, the number of  participants is 2,164,037 (of which 2,057,698 people participates in compulsory social insurance, 106,339 participated in voluntary social insurance), gained an increase of 318,026 people, up 17.2% compared to the year 2020. In particular, in 2020 and 2021, the COVID-19 epidemic happened complicatedly, but expansion of social insurance participants still achieved positive results, with moderately increased number of social insurance participants in 2 years.

The Office always completes and exceeds the social and unemployment insurance revenue targets assigned by the Government and VSS, with each year's revenue is higher than the previous year. In 2020, the total social insurance revenue is 33,321 billion VND, by 2023, it is 44,138 billion VND, an increase of 10,817 billion VND, an increase of 32.5% compared to 2020. Total revenue for the period 2020 - 2023 is 152,190 billion VND, on average, each year increased by 9.7%.

Regarding the payment of social insurance regimes, the Office has closely coordinated with Hanoi Post Office in making payment of monthly social insurance and one-time social insurance regimes in the City via methods: payment in cash and payment via the beneficiary's personal account. Payment and settlement time are specifically regulated, closely follow and strictly follow the payment and settlement process for the amount paid under the regulations of VSS. In the period of 2020-2023, the Office had  paid pensions and social insurance regimes to 8,147,671 beneficiaries with a total expenditure excluding the cost of health insurance revenues of VND 184,915 billion.

Regarding inspection and examination, the Office coordinates with Departments, branches, and People's Committees of districts and towns to strengthen inspection and examination of the implementation of social, health, and unemployment insurance policies. In the period of 2020-2023, 22,213 inspections and tests had been conducted. The recovery rate of late payments is up to 70-80% over the years.

Regarding the reform of administrative procedures, the Office had developed and implemented an administrative reform plan, focusing on reforming procedures for participation, settlement and payment of social insurance and unemployment insurance regimes in order to facilitate businesses and people in dealing with social insurance agencies.

To date, over 99.18% of units participating in social and health insurance to carry out electronic record transactions. For the units which have not yet implemented electronic transactions have conducted transactions through the Postal service (costs are paid by the social security agency), mainly for employers which have less than 10 employees. The Office had implemented level-4 online public services in the fields of social, health, and unemployment insurance.

Also according to Men, in addition to in-area favourable conditions in the process of implementation of social insurance policy, there were several difficulties remained. Accordingly, Hanoi has a number of large, frequent- fluctuated, and extremely diverse  units, businesses, and participants in social and health insurance as beneficiaries; where there are many leading hospitals in the country, installed with modern equipments, a large and rapidly increased number of patients examined and treated by health insurance, so the workload is very large and complex, causing pressure for officials and workers…

Pham Thi Thanh Mai, Party Committee member, Deputy Head of the Hanoi National Assembly Delegation, delivered a conclussion speech at the Conference

Strive to complete the goals according to Resolution 28-NQ/TW

Concluding the conference, Mai recognized and highly appreciated the results that the City Social Security Office achieved in the period of 2020-2023, especially expansion of participants, application of digital transformation for reforming administrative procedures. However, according to Mai, the Office needs to strive harder to complete the goals set by Resolution 28-NQ/TW. Hanoi's current situation is having large population and diverse people groups, from informal to official workers, so, policy communication is extremely important and needs to be promoted.

In addition, it is necessary to continue expanding sources of participation in social insurance, minimizing enterprises' delay in paying social insurance. In the field of inspection and examination, the Mai requested the City Social Security Office to both ensure centralized inspection and examination and classify risks and limit multiple inspections and examinations, ensuring businesses focus on their production and business.

Regarding the recommendations and proposals from the Office and delegates at the survey, on behalf of the Hanoi National Assembly Delegation, Mai noted and wished to continue receiving recommendations to submit to the National Assembly to amend the Social Insurance Law in the direction of removing obstacles and inadequacies in practical application to ensure social security, expand and increase benefits, and attract social insurance participants./.