Training on the implementation of Health insurance policy

14/05/2024 09:35 AM

On May 6 and 7, 2024, in Dak Lak Province, Vietnam Social Security organized a training conference on the implementation of health insurance policy for 2024.

Deputy Director General of Vietnam Social Security Nguyen Duc Hoa chaired the conference. Attendees included representatives from various departments, divisions, and units under Vietnam Social Security, as well as social security offices from southern localities.


Deputy Director General of Vietnam Social Security Nguyễn Đức Hòa spoke at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Deputy General Director Nguyen Duc Hoa stated that to further enhance the expertise in implementing health insurance policy, the sector plans to organize the a training conference on the implementation of health insurance policies in 2024. The training conference will be held in two clusters, each lasting two days, in a face-to-face format to increase interaction and achieve the highest level of reception.

Sharing with representatives from various units, Deputy General Director Nguyen Duc Hoa analyzed that after the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been many comprehensive policy changes. Recently, the Department of Health Insurance Implementation has regularly participated with the Health Sector in the process of amending regulations. The Deputy General Director requested that the leaders of the departments and divisions of Vietnam Social Security, during this training period, focus on thoroughly analyzing, clearly guiding and easy to understand the new procedures in implementing health insurance policies; Local social security offices should take note, and exchange ideas to ensure the training program is highly effective, aiming for the best possible performance in the future.

Within the framework of the conference, the leadership of Department of Health Insurance Implementation conveyed to the delegates several topics related to health insurance assessment as stipulated in Law on Medical Examination and Treatment No. 15/2023/QH15 of the National Assembly, Decree No. 96/2023/ND-CP of the Government, and Circular No. 32/2023/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health; Guidelines on the principles for preparing, assigning, and adjusting estimates for health insurance medical examination and treatment costs and notifying health facilities of projected health insurance medical examination and treatment costs; Instructions for finalizing health insurance medical examination and treatment costs for 2023; Guidance on resolving issues in health insurance assessment and payment of health insurance medical examination and treatment costs; The situation of procurement, purchasing, and payment of drug costs in 2023, and future requirements; New regulations in the Law on Bidding No. 22/2023/QH15 of the National Assembly, Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP of the Government detailing some provisions and measures for implementing the Law on Bidding regarding the selection of contractors for drugs; Guidelines from Vietnam Social Security on participating in drug bidding at bidding councils.

The delegates also heard from the Center for Medical Claim Review on issues such as: assessing payment conditions based on the lists of health facilities as stipulated in Decision No. 3618/QD-BHXH issued by the General Director, which promulgates the Health insurance assessment process; and providing guidance on analysis and organization of assessments at health facilities with high average costs as stipulated in Decree No. 75/2023/ND-CP.

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Representatives of the Vietnam Social Security’s Inspectorate presented on important issues regarding the implementation of health insurance policies through inspection activities. The focus includes the verification and signing of health insurance medical treatment contracts; assessing payment conditions and pricing statistics for medical treatment costs (conditions for payment, statistical pricing for payments); updating and standardizing data; statistics, compilation, and integration of data; and advances, settlement, and final settlement of payments.

With the topic "Key Issues in implementing advances and payment for Health insurance medical treatment and primary healthcare," the Internal Audit Department highlights several important points regarding the implementation of health insurance policies through internal auditing.

At the same time, between the topics, there will be a discussion and Q&A session. Social security offices in southern localities actively exchanged questions and concerns regarding the implementation of procedures, presenting some challenging situations and difficulties encountered in health insurance assessment at health facilities for consultation with Vietnam Social Security’s technical units for on-site support./.