Be clearly aware of one-time social insurance: For the future of the labourers and whole society

14/05/2024 01:50 PM

In the dificult context of the socio-economy, there has been a segment of employees who have chosen to receive one-time social insurance, which directly affects their immediate and long-term employers and the whole society’s benefits. Vietnam Social Insurance (VSS) recommends that employees should not choose to receive one-time social insurance benefits, caused by immediate economic difficulties, because there will be "immediate benefits, long-term disadvantages".

Warning of many accompanied consequences

According to statistics from VSS, the average growth rate of the number of people receiving one-time social insurance next year is always about 10% higher than the previous year, which means that the rate of one-time social insurance withdrawal is increasing and increasing faster than the previous year, compared with the ratio of people participating in social insurance. The report of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs also shows that, in the 10 months of 2023, the whole country has provided more than 947,000 people with one-time social insurance benefits. This number increased by 31.38% over the same period in 2022, accounting for about 5% of the total number of participants.

The proportion of young workers withdrawing social insurance at one time is increasing because they only care about their immediate needs rather than the need to receive a pension when they get old. There are even many cases of withdrawing social insurance for profit, then returning to work and participating in social insurance. In addition, the production and business situation of enterprises has encountered difficulties, especially in recent years, leading to many enterprises ceasing operations, narrowing the scale of production and business, and cutting workers. dynamic. The situation of underemployed, unemployed, jobless workers leads to an increase in the number of people receiving one-time social insurance... And so, workers spend their savings on their savings for retirement.

Many people choose to receive one- time social insurance, they indirectly deprive themselves of their basic security rights in the long time. (Illustration)

The fact that workers leave the social insurance system is a matter of concern, not only directly affecting the rights of workers, but also affecting the Government's goals, efforts and determination to implement social security for the peoples, leave no one behind. Receiving one-time social insurance can only solve immediate economic needs, but in the long-term, it will be very disadvantageous for employees when they reach the end of working age, significantly affecting the country's social security system.

When choosing to receive one-time social insurance, employees' benefits will be more limited than when receiving pension, such as:

Firstly, if the labourers receive one-time social insurance and re-participate in social insurance later, your social insurance payment time will not be added, but will be counted as the new social insurance payment time. Thus, employees lose the opportunity to enjoy a pension, having no income to ensure their life when they reach the end of working age, or if they still have enough time to enjoy a pension when they retire, due to the short time of paying social insurance, the amount of pension will be low, losing financial support and long-term life stability when their ability to work is reduced and the working age is over.

Secondly, during the entire pension benefit period (the age at which each person is most susceptible to health problems), the labourers are paid by the social insurance fund to issue free health insurance cards (retirees with pensions do not have to pay their own pension) to buy a health insurance card) and enjoy health insurance  medical examination and treatment benefits. When a pensioner unfortunately passes away, the person who is in charge of taking care of the funeral will receive a one-time funeral allowance, equal to 10 times of the base salary in the month that the pensioner died and relatives will receive a monthly or lump-sum death benefit. .

Thirdly, the amount of money paid into the social insurance fund is a valuable asset for oneself, it is not lost but on the contrary is still managed and invested by the social insurance agency for growth, participants can reserve the payment time of social insurance so that when in one time, they can continue to participate in compulsory social insurance or participate in voluntary social insurance with State payment support. During the reservation period, if they accidentally die, your family will be entitled to receive a funeral allowance, and your relatives will be entitled to receive a death allowance under regulations.

Fourthly, receiving one-time social insurance means having to accept a huge disadvantage when with 22% of the monthly salary paid into the pension and death fund, the total contributions per year is 2.64 monthly salary. While the one-time social insurance benefit for each year of social insurance payment is only equal to 1.5 the average monthly salary of social insurance payment for years paid before 2014 and 02 months of the average monthly salary of social insurance payment for years of payment from 2014 onwards.

Fifthly, when participating in social insurance, when receiving pension, the pension level is periodically adjusted according to the consumer price index and economic growth.

When the employees receive one-time social insurance, they will be disadvantaged when they have not yet reached retirement age and have spent all their old age pension. When they are old, they do not enjoy retirement, they have to depend on their children, grandchildren and society; If they unfortunately get sick and do not have a health insurance card, they also face the risk of not being able to pay medical care costs after just one illness period and a long stay in the hospital, thereby, facing poverty, exhausted, becoming a burden to their family and society.

Employees need to be more aware of withdrawal of one-time social insurance

Compared to many countries in the world, it can be affirmed that social security policies in general, including social and health insurance ones in Vietnam, have shown the special superiority of the Government in regard to social security benefits of all classes and all ages of the peoples.

With the current regulations on payment and benefit levels, social and health insurance participants are guaranteed on very basic and stable benefits. These are Sickness, Maternity, Labor Accident and Occupational Disease, Retirement, Survivorship Allowance, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits.

When receiving one-time social insurance, the amount of money the labourer  receives is less than the amount paid into the social insurance fund

In addition, the participants in voluntary social insurance will enjoy two regimes: retirement and survivorship allowance... Especially, for the social or voluntary social insurance participants, when they are eligible to receive pension, they will be provided with free health insurance card. This is a very practical and valuable benefit for the peoples and their families when participating in social or voluntary social insurance.

However, in recent years, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic and the general difficulties of the socio-economy, many labourers, especially in some provinces and cities which have a large workforce, have chosen to one-time social insurance regimes. This is a thoughtful choice.

Because the value of social insurance does not only have a meaning in term of the economic aspect, but it is also the humanity values ​​entrusted by the State, such as retirement and many other practical benefits. Maybe the amount of money when receiving the one-time social insurance regime will solve the immediate difficulties, but with that, people have taken themselves out of the safety net that the State has woven, bringing themselves closer to the the disadvantage cannot be compensated.

By receiving one-time social insurance, they not only receive much less money than the amount they paid, but when they want to participate again, they will not be allowed to add time, the procedures will have to start again from the beginning. This leads to a situation where when they reach the end of their working age, they may not have had enough time to receive a pension, or if they do receive it, it will be at a very low level. Not to mention the fact that if you don't get a pension, you won't get a free health insurance card. This will bring you and your family closer to huge damages.

Therefore, considering and choosing to receive one-time social insurance is extremely important for each labourer. Do not miss the opportunity to receive a pension to cover your life for the sake of immediate benefits, before deciding to enjoy social insurance. Please think carefully once to make a reasonable choice for yourself and the whole society./.