1. Step 1: The employee submits a dossier as prescribed at the boxes “Dossier components” and “Number of dossier sets” below to the provincial- or district-level social insurance agency from which he/she receives allowances, in case the employee is on monthly allowance; or the provincial- or district-level social insurance agency of the locality where he/she resides, in case the employee has already received a lump-sum occupational accident allowance.
The employee must come to directly receive the dossier processing result. In case of impossibility to come to directly receive the social insurance entitlement settlement, he/she must make a letter of authorization according to Form No. 13-HSB (the original) or a contract of authorization as prescribed by law for his/her lawful representative to receive the result.
2. Step 2: The district-level social insurance agency receives the dossier from the employee, compares copies included in the dossier against their originals and returns the originals to the employee, and then forwards the dossier to the concerned provincial-level social insurance agency.
3. Step 3:
- The provincial-level social insurance agency receives the dossier from the district-level social insurance agency or the employee, compares copies included in the dossier against their originals and returns the originals to the employee; and after processing the dossier, returns it to the district-level social insurance agency or the employee.
- The district-level social insurance agency receives the processed dossier from the provincial-level social insurance agency for return to the employee.
Direct submission at the single-window section of the district-level social insurance agency or administrative procedure receipt and result return division of provincial-level social insurance agency
1. A hospital discharge paper after undergoing complete treatment for recurred injuries or diseases, in case of inpatient treatment;
2. A record of assessment of working capacity loss due to recurrence of injuries or diseases, made by a Medical Assessment Council (the original);
3. Prescriptions of an orthopedics and function rehabilitation establishment belonging to the labor, war invalids and social affairs sector or a hospital of provincial or higher levels in conformity with the degree of injuries or diseases due to occupational accidents, in case of entitlement to grants for purchase of personal care assistive devices or rehabilitation devices, and roundtrip tickets (the original), in case of entitlement to travel expense payment. For those who are given prescriptions for prosthetic eyes, documents on installment of prosthetic eyes (the original) are required.
Note: If not required to submit the originals, applicants may submit the originals, copes enclosed with the originals for comparison, certified copies or copies made with information extracted from original books.
10 days after receiving a complete dossier under regulations
No attached file
- The employee, who participates in compulsory social insurance and suffers from working capacity loss of at least 5% due to occupational incidents, has undergone complete treatment for recurred injuries.
- The occupational accident victim whose body functions are damaged will be provided with personal care assistive devices or orthopedic devices with a lifetime conformable with the degree of his/her injuries.
- November 20, 2014 Law No. 58/2014/QH13 on Social Insurance;
- June 25, 2015 Law No. 84/2015/QH13 on Occupational Safety and Health;
- Decree No. 37/2016/ND-CP of May 15, 2016;
- Decree No. 115/2015/ND-CP of November 11, 2015;
- Decree No. 33/2016/ND-CP of May 10, 2016;
- Circular No. 59/2015/TT-BLDTBXH of December 29, 2015;
- Circular No. 14/2016/TT-BYT of May 12, 2016;
- Circular No. 15/2016/TT-BYT of May 15, 2016;
- Decision No. 636/QD-BHXH of April 22, 2016, of the Vietnam Social Security;
- Decision No. 828/QD-BHXH of May 27, 2016, of the Vietnam Social Security;
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security