15/02/2019 08:48 AM

The Government recently issued Decree 08/2019/ND-CP regulating living allowance, other allowances and subsidies, social insurance, medical treatment and working time for staff members of Vietnamese agencies overseas on State budget payroll and their spouses and minor children. The decree will take effect on March 11, 2019.

05/02/2019 12:48 AM

Various solutions are needed to expand the network of social and health insurance participants, according to Deputy General Director of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Tran Dinh Lieu.

01/02/2019 11:08 AM

Given tasks and solutions in Resolution No. 02 / NQ-CP dated January 1, 2019 of the Government on continuing to implement the major tasks and solutions to improve the business environment, improve the national competitiveness in 2019 and orientation to 2021, Viet Nam Social Security shall direct provincial social security offices to mobilize and promote the development of social insurance non-cash payment methods.

29/01/2019 09:05 AM

Recently, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has given instructions to ensure health insurance (HI) benefits for HI card holders, complying with the provisions of Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP dated October 17, 2018 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of some articles of the HI Law and other documents guiding the implementation of HI scheme. Details are as follows:

29/01/2019 08:51 AM

Based on Decision No. 622/QD-TTg dated 10/5/2017 of Prime Minister, Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) has issued Action Plan No. 5458/KH-BHXH to effectively implement the assigned tasks in the Government’s National Action Plan for the implementation The 2030 sustainable development agenda.

28/01/2019 03:32 PM

The Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has issued Document No.82/BHXH-CSXH and sent it to social security units of centrally-run cities and provinces, the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Public Security.

28/01/2019 03:29 PM

Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP replaced Decree No. 105/2014/ND-CP of the Viet Nam’s Government guiding in details the implementation of some articles of the Health Insurance Law has some new points as follows:

28/01/2019 02:46 PM

Prime Minister orders competent sectors and ministries should continue coordination to improve health care at grassroots level, and mobilise citizens, especially the elderly, to join health insurance, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said while meeting with representatives from the Vietnam Association for Community Health Education (VACHE) in early January in Hanoi.

Allowances, social insurance, health examination and treatment benefits for staff members of Vietnamese agencies abroad

Solutions needed to expand network of social, health insurance participants

Promoting social insurance non-cash payment methods

Guidance for Health Insurance card issuance, replacement and benefit settlement for card holders

For the development of a sustainable, effective social security system in Viet Nam

Implementing social insurance policies for employees when rearranging State enterprises

New changes in Health Insurance policy

Prime Minister orders improvement in health care, health insurance coverage