26/06/2019 12:00 AM

There have been positive and encouraging initial results after three months of implementing the new policy which requires that all foreign workers in Vietnam participate in the State social insurance programme. The new policy is in line with international norms and a necessity given Vietnam’s increasingly deeper international integration. Compulsory social insurance for foreign workers also contributes to the making of a conducive business environment that would prove attractive to a high-quality work force, said Dinh Duy Hung, deputy head of Vietnam Social Security’s Department of Collection.

15/06/2019 10:54 AM

On October 15, 2018 the Government officially issued the Decree No 143/2018/NĐ-CP stipulating the details of compulsory social insurance for foreign employees in Vietnam to ensure fairness between Vietnamese and foreign labourers.

10/06/2019 10:02 AM

The amended Pharmacy Law which took effect in 2017, stipulating that domestic pharmacy firms receive preferences in bids for medicine provided to state-owned hospitals, has

22/04/2019 09:35 AM

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs (MoLISA) has issued official dispatch No.1064/LDTBXH-BHXH, dated March 18, 2019, in response to questions about the implementation of the Government’s Decree No.143/2018/ND-CP.

22/04/2019 08:59 AM

Deputy Minister and Director General of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen Thi Minh said VSS stores data of more than 90 million people during a recent working session with experts from the World Bank (WB).

18/04/2019 11:17 AM

After more than 3 months of implementing the compulsory social insurance (SI) scheme for foreign employees working in Viet Nam, there have been some initial achievements. Not only in accordance with international practices, but in the context of widespread economic integration nowadays, compulsory SI for foreign workers also contributes to creating a favorable business environment and attracting high quality labor force to Viet Nam.

18/04/2019 11:13 AM

Voluntary social insurance is a pre-eminent form of social insurance that helps self-employees, rural people… to deal with difficulties and risks which may derive from old age. As voluntary social insurance’s members, the workers could show their activeness and initiative on self-safety, contribute to community sharing and social development.

10/04/2019 02:39 PM

The Ministry of Health recently issued Document No.1608/BYT-KH-TC on covering healthcare insurance costs for card holders using on-demand health services.

Mandatory social insurance for foreign workers in Vietnam: Meeting the demands of Vietnam’s deeper international economic integration

Seven things expat workers need to know about mandatory State social insurance in Vietnam

Vietnam's pharmacy market heats up with more M&A deals

Ministry replies to questions about social insurance for foreign employees

Vietnam Social Security stores data of more than 90 million people

Compulsory Social Insurance for foreign employees in Viet Nam: Meeting demand for international integration

Promoting voluntary social insurance

On-demand health service users to receive health insurance coverage