10/09/2019 03:25 PM

VietNam Social Security (VSS) ranked 3rd out of 37 ministries and ministerial – level agencies on the Portal Security Index (PSI) in 2019, according to a report by the VietNam Computer Emergency Response Team (VNCERT).

09/09/2019 05:45 PM

On September 9, 2019, the Ministry of Health issued Directive No.10/CT-BYT on strengthening prevention of abuse and profiteering in health insurance funds.

06/09/2019 10:00 AM

The implementation of health insurance for students has received more attention from the Government. Viet Nam Social Security’s provincial subsidiaries have collaborated with local authorities, especially departments of education and training to accelerate the implementation of health insurance for students, raising the number of participants year over year.

03/09/2019 04:30 PM

The Memorandum of Understanding on labor and employment between Vietnam and Korea will create a cooperation basis in the fields of developing human resource, labor and labor market, occupational safety and hygiene, labor inspection and labor relations...

02/09/2019 05:30 PM

Hai Phong city will focus on addressing the consequences of KaiYang Vietnam Co., Ltd shutting down. In particular, priority is given to ensuring benefits for employees such as salary, social insurance and other welfares.

02/09/2019 09:40 AM

From August 21-25, in the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the delegation of Vietnam Social Security led by Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoa - Director of Hanoi Social Insurance - Head of the delegation worked and shared experiences with the VSCF. Lao National Social Insurance.

01/09/2019 12:00 AM

Of all social groups, students are signing up for health insurance at the fastest rate, however, many are still unaware of its benefits with up to six percent of students have yet joined the health insurance system.

VietNam Social Security is one of the top on the Portal Security Index

The Ministry of Health has issued a Directive on strengthening prevention of health insurance fund profiteering

Changing mindset in health insurance for students

[Infographic] Rights and responsibilities of employees when participating in compulsory social insurance

Vietnam and Republic of Korea strengthen cooperation on labor and employment

Priority to pay salaries, social insurance and other welfares to employees of KaiYang Vietnam Company

Vietnam Social Insurance and Lao National Social Insurance Fund: Sharing experiences on implementing the "One-stop" service

Raising students’ awareness on health insurance