IT application in social security: Creating a breakthrough in professional activities

13/10/2020 03:10 PM

On the afternoon of October 12, 2020, General Director Nguyen The Manh had a meeting with related units on the innovation, creativity and improving the efficiency of information technology (IT) application to create a breakthrough in the professional activities of the social security industry.

General Director Nguyen The Manh delivering a speech at the meeting


Reported at the meeting, the leaders of the IT Center said that, in the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and international integration of social security strongly taking place in the world and the region, the social security industry considered administrative procedure reform and IT application the most important tasks in order to meet the requirements of organization and implementation of policies on social insurance and health insurance in the new situation. Over the past years, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has strongly deployed IT applications, thereby building professional software covering most of the industry's activities.

Since 2017, the industry has started implementing the form of declaration and payment of social insurance via electronic transactions, helping businesses reduce travel and waiting time of directly submitting dossiers to the social insurance agency. Besides, officially upgraded and provided free software of social insurance declaration and payment (iBHXH) to a Web version to support employers and individuals participating in electronic transactions with social insurance agenies since August 12, 2019.

In 2019, the social insurance industry has integrated and linked professional software to check and compare collection data as well as issue social insurance books and health insurance cards with the software to review dossiers for entitlement and payment of social insurance regimes, thereby shortened the time limit for settling social insurance benefits for employees. Coordinated with the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Ministry of Justice officially opened the specialized social insurance database and connected the civil status management information system through the National Government Service Platform (NGSP) for birth registration and issuance of health insurance cards for children under 6 years old.

On the basis of IT application, the social insurance industry has been perfecting the 4.0 ecosystem to serve people and businesses with the following services: SMS; online payment; applications of social insurance on mobile devices; Chatbot customer support system (which automatically gives answers on social insurance and health insurance policies with artificial intelligence, increases interaction with participants, provides information on payment and benefits of social insurance and health insurance and estimates the rate of benefits to better serve people); analyzing and exploiting the huge amount of industry’s data on BIGDATA; setting up communication fanpages on social networks; provision of all public services likely to reach level 4.

Performing the task of building e-Government, VSS has integrated to open public services of re-issuing health insurance cards due to damage or loss on the National Public Service Portal. The efforts of the industry in promoting administrative procedure reform and IT application have promptly removed barriers in resolving administrative procedures, significantly saving costs and transaction time for businesses, people and social insurance agencies, recognized and highly appreciated by the Government and the people.

Regarding the IT application in health insurance reviewing activities, the Head of the Center for Medical review and terticary care payments said that, currently, VSS has linked with all medical facilities in the country and put the electronic review system into operation. On the one hand, it can control the costs, improve the efficiency of health insurance assessment and help reform administrative procedures in medical examination with health insurance towards effective management and use of the health insurance fund. On the other hand, thereby it can protect the people’s legitimate rights and interests.

Head of the IT Center: “VSS has strongly deployed IT application”

Since January 2017, the health insurance assessment information system has officially been exploited to implement the processes of health insurance assessment. With the application of the system, most automated business processes have been implemented by the software functions, thereby improving the quality of operations while reducing hundreds of the staff’s working hours.

Recognizing and appreciating the efforts of the units, Manh said that, for many years, VSS is one of the leading units in the field of IT applications, building the national database on social insurance, information sharing and monitoring of payment of social insurance and health insurance premiums. The application of IT in professional activities of the industry has formed transparency and clarity in management and operation and especially helped to improve capacity and efficiency in serving the satisfaction of people, organizations and businesses.

The General Director’s request: It is crucial to continue promoting the application of IT for health insurance review deserving its current fiscal space.

On the basis of promoting the achievements, the General Director requested to strengthen the coordination between units to more effectively implement the application of IT in the professional activities of the industry.

For the assessment of health insurance, continue to develop a set of rules from synthesizing information of the social insurance agency at all levels to give signs and levels of warning, thereby minimizing violations in the health insurance sector; strengthen management and monitoring by electronic systems; regularly organize seminars for the local reviewing units to discuss and propose effective solutions.

For the IT Center, it is fundamental to continue promoting IT application worthy of the current fiscal space; build the industry’s database to ensure safety and efficiency; coordinate with the VSS Office to build electronic offices, etc.

In the spirit of innovation, strive to complete the development and operation of the electronic database on integrated and modern social insurance management by 2020 with the latest technology; create a new face for the social insurance industry in management and service provision in a centralized, fast and accurate manner; towards the satisfaction of people and businesses, implementing the goal of ensuring sustainable social security.