01/08/2021 07:35 PM

Recently, Director General of VSS (VSS) – Nguyen The Manh hosted the Conference on Digital Transformation in order to enhance the solutions to serve and support participants of social, health and unemployment insurance.

01/08/2021 03:45 PM

The insurance sector has overcome many difficulties and basically completed the assigned tasks in the first six months of this year.

01/08/2021 03:40 PM

The Government issued Resolution No 68/NQ-CP on a number of policies to support employees and mployers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic on July 1, 2021.

01/08/2021 12:55 PM

On July 26th, VSS issued Official Dispatch No. 2218/BHXH-TST to local social security agencies on the implementation of supporting policies for employees and employers struggling amid Covid -19 pandemic.

01/08/2021 09:45 AM

The Government issued Decree No 68/NQ-CP on July 1, 2021 on certain policies supporting employees and employers facing difficulties due to COVID-19. Among those are three policies related to social insurance, unemployment insurance, labour accident and occupational disease insurance which offer practical assistance to affected employees and employers.

01/08/2021 07:35 AM

On July 27, Director General of Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen The Manh and Vice Chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee Chu Xuan Dung worked together on solutions to address shortcomings in the health insurance-based prevention and treatment of illness related to COVID-19; and solutions to assist labourers and enterprises located in the capital city in line with the Government’s Resolution No 68/NQ-CP.

31/07/2021 07:55 PM

Health insurance cardholders who are living in areas applying social distancing measures under Directive 16 can visit any local healthcare facility for check-up and treatment and have their benefits ensured.

31/07/2021 06:50 PM

Health insurance cardholders who are living in areas applying social distancing measures under Directive 16 can visit any local healthcare facility for check-up and treatment and have their benefits ensured.

VSS: Taking efforts to implement citizen-centric Digital Transformation

Insurance sector overcomes difficulties, basically completes assigned tasks in first half of this year

Results after one month implementation of support policies to employees and employers.

VSS: Shortening dossiers' processing time for down to no more than a working day

Government approves three social insurance policies to support employers and employees during COVID-19

VSS and Hanoi work together to ensure the city’s social security

Vietnam Social Security ensures healthcare benefits during social distancing period

Maximizing convenience in payment of medical expenses covered by health insurance amid Covid-19