Recommendations for a safe Tet holiday by the Ministry of Health and WHO Vietnam

04/02/2021 02:00 PM

The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization Viet Nam’s Representative Office sent some recommendations to celebrate Tet safely in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic spreading globally.

Recommendations by the Ministry of Health and WHO Vietnam.

In the message, the Ministry of Health and WHO Vietnam stated: "HEALTH is the most precious gift we can give each other during this Tet holiday!"

Each citizen should carefully consider the following 3 QUESTIONS when planning this Tet holiday:

1. What are the current recommendations from the health authority?

2. How is COVID-19 epidemic situation in the area where you plan to celebrate Tet?

3. Are you or family members or friends who will celebrate Tet together in a group at high risk of serious illness if infected with COVID-19?

"Be ready to change your plans at the last minute if you or those who enjoy Tet with you are sick or may have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19," recommended the Ministry of Health and the WHO.

According to the Ministry of Health and WHO Vietnam, TO MINIMIZE THE RISK OF COVID-19 WHEN TRAVELING, people should update and follow local authorities' guidance on travel restrictions and safety recommendations;

Do not travel if you are sick or have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.Practice protective measures including wearing a mask, washing your hands often, and keeping a safe distance from others.

The 5k Message of the Ministry of Health. 

The Ministry of Health and WHO's Office in Vietnam called for the people to: “Always take safety measures when traveling during holidays and Tet and when staying in public places such as hotels or motels.

Before arriving, check the place you will be staying to make sure they take the COVID-19 precautions. Please regularly wash your hands, wear a mask and keep a safe distance throughout the entire stay.” - the recommendation states.

The Ministry of Health and WHO Vietnam's advice: “If you do not feel well, take good care of yourself!

Please spend time on activities you enjoy depending on your own preferences

You can start with some simple activities and, if possible, don't forget to invite your loved ones to join.”

The Ministry of Health recommends that people follow the 5K message (Masks - Sanitizer - No crowds - Medical declaration - Distance) to ensure safety./.