Vietnam's Social Insurance Industry: Strengthening measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic and ensure participants' interests

04/02/2021 07:30 PM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has just issued Official Letter No. 287/BHXH-VP to its affiliated units and social security offices of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces (collectively referred to as units) on continuing to strengthen anti-epidemic measures of the COVID-19 epidemic and ensure benefits for participants of social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance.

The entire social insurance industry of Vietnam continues to strengthen measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic, ensuring the interests of participants (Illustrative image)

Accordingly, due to the fact that the new development of the COVID-19 epidemic (especially the new variant of the virus) is increasingly complex as well as it has a high chance of spread and outbreak; implementing Notice No. 22/TB-VPCP dated January 30, 2021 of the Government Office on the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Standing meeting of the Government on COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control; In order to proactively strengthen epidemic prevention measures as well as ensure benefits for the participants of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, VSS requires the units to focus on performing some specific tasks as follows:

Firstly, for units in areas and localities with epidemic cases: To timely implement measures of social distancing and quarantine; to proactively formulate plans to respond to the epidemic in accordance with the direction and guidance of the Government, the Prime Minister and local authorities. To develop emergency management plans and organize the implementation of the tasks; flexible arrangement of civil servants, public employees and workers working at offices or working online at home; to promote the reception and settlement of administrative procedures through online public services; to promptly and flexibly settle the collection of social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance, grant and extension of health insurance cards, payment of pension and social insurance and unemployment insurance benefits.

At the same time, to coordinate with medical facilities to strictly implement the Ministry of Health's Official Telegram No. 97/CD-BYT dated January 29, 2021, in which notes the provision of long-term outpatient drugs for patients with chronic diseases, SARS-CoV-2 detection tests by PCR; performing medical examination and treatment under the guidance of the Vietnam Social Security in Official Dispatch No. 2539/BHXH-CSYT dated August 10, 2020, etc. to best ensure the interests of the participants according to the law.

Secondly, for units in the region and areas where no cases have been detected: To thoroughly, fully and promptly follow the direction and guidance of the Government and the Prime Minister, National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Health, the Vietnam Social Security and other guiding documents and instructions of the local committees and authorities in the locality on the prevention and control of COVID-19.

In particular, civil servants, public employees and workers who came to or returned from epidemic areas and locations as notified by the Ministry of Health must strictly implement medical declaration and measures for isolation and epidemic prevention according to the instructions of the health authorities and local authorities; at the same time, to immediately inform the heads of the units to take timely measures to handle the disease infection situation at the agency or unit. To minimize the organization of conferences, seminars and activities that gather crowds; to organize conferences and meetings by online format if necessary.

Third, the offices of social insurance agencies at all levels shall actively coordinate with local health authorities to take preventive measures such as: To check the body temperature of cadres, civil servants, employees and visitors entering or exiting the agency (for visitors who come to make additional medical declarations); to fully provide masks for civil servants, officials, employees and individuals coming to transact, work or spray disinfectants at the offices of the agency; to keep the workplace clean; to arrange sufficient hand sanitizer solution or hand-washing areas with clean water and soap, to regularly clean the building with antiseptic solution on the floor, desk surface, doorknob, stairs, lifts, toilets, etc.; to proactively strengthen the inspection of water hygiene, food sources, ensuring food hygiene and safety at the kitchen (if any), etc.

Fourthly, civil servants, officials and workers in the whole sector shall further raise awareness of epidemic prevention; promote the role and responsibility of each individual in protecting and improving the health of oneself, families and community; proactively take measures to prevent the epidemic as recommended by health authorities; install Bluezone application to be (F1, F2, F3, etc.), it is necessary to immediately inform the heads of the units and health facilities for timely advice and guidance.

In addition, it is necessary to regularly monitor and update accurate information about the epidemic situation. Absolutely do not spread false information to cause confusion to the public and adversely affect the work of epidemic prevention and control by the Government, all levels and branches.

In 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic heavily affecting all aspects of our country's socio-economic life, Vietnam Social Security has promptly coordinated with ministries and branches to come up with solutions to support businesses, people facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 epidemic in accordance with the direction of the Government and the Prime Minister such as: Paying pensions at home; flexibility in referral of medical examination and treatment under health insurance; providing health insurance drugs for people with chronic diseases; suspending contributions to the retirement and survivorship fund for businesses facing difficulties due to the epidemic, etc. A series of flexible and timely solutions of Vietnam Social Security have contributed to political stability and social security of the country, creating a deep belief in the whole society about the social security policies of the Party and State./.