VSS: 4 goals and 5 key tasks to complete for effectively implementation of Resolution 02/NQ-CP

02/02/2021 10:50 PM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has just issued the Plan No. 196/KH-BHXH to implement the Government's Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP of January 1, 2021 on ongoing implementation of major duties and measures to improve business environment and enhance national competitiveness in 2021. Accordingly, VSS has set out 4 goals and 5 key tasks in order to effectively implement Resolution No. 02.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam highly appreciated the results that the Vietnam's Social Insurance Industry has achieved in the spirit of Resolution No. 02

Outstanding results

With the synchronous deployment of solutions such as: focusing on administrative reform and IT application in all business activities; drastically changing management methods from manual to modern, switching the working style from administration to service, by 2020, VSS has achieved many outstanding results in improving business environment and enhancing national competitiveness in the spirit of Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP. Accordingly, administrative procedures of the sector has been cut from 114 procedures (in 2015) down to 27 procedures (currently); the number of hours of conducting administrative procedures for people and businesses has decreased from 335 hours per year (2015) to 147 hours (in 2019) and currently completed reporting procedures for the World Bank (WB) for the recognition of 129 hours per year. By the end of 2020, the Vietnamese social insurance industry has provided 100% level 4 public services to all of the industry's administrative procedures; covered about 48% of the pensioners and the beneficiares of social insurance and unemployment benefits through individual accounts in urban areas, etc.

Emphasizing on the results that the VSS has achieved in the spirit of Resolution 02, at the VSS's online conference on implementing the tasks in 2021, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam affirmed, after a short time, Vietnam's social insurance industry has overcome many difficulties to make strong strides, thereby creating favorable conditions for the industry's operation and bringing convenience to people and businesses; contributed to creating confidence in the determination to innovate, improve the business environment, and enhance the national competitiveness of the country.

Further creating maximum favorable conditions for people and businesses

Promoting the positive results that the Vietnamese social insurance industry has achieved, the VSS issued the Plan No. 196/KH-BHXH to implement the Government's Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated January 1, 2021 on ongoing implementation of major duties and measures to improve business environment and enhance national competitiveness in 2021. Accordingly, 4 goals and 5 key tasks have been set out to contribute significantly to the improve business environment and enhance national competitiveness in the spirit of Resolution No. 02.

The VSS shall continue to strengthen administrative discipline to create maximum favorable conditions for people and businesses.

In the Plan, the VSS determines the general goal is to focus on completing the goals and tasks under the responsibility of the Vietnam's Social Insurance Industry set out in Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated January 1, 2019 of the Government on continued implementation of major tasks and solutions for improving the business environment and the national competitiveness in 2019 and orientation towards 2021.

Specific objectives: To complete the restructuring of processes and operations and contribute to the achievement of the goal of raising the ranking of the index "Paying taxes and social insurance premiums"; to provide 100% of online public services at level 4 on the sector's Public Service Portal with full deployment on the National Public Service Portal on the basis of connecting and sharing data between the VSS and related agencies and units; to complete targets and plans according to the roadmap related to the digital transformation in the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 approving the “Introducing program for national digital transformation by 2025 with orientations towards 2030” in sync with the implementation of administrative reform; to promote electronic payment with the strive to by the end of 2021 reach 50% of pensioners, beneficiaries of social insurance benefits, burial fees, survivorship, etc. using non-cash payment means in urban areas.

In order to achieve the set goals, the VSS requires thorough informing of the implementation of Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP among all civil servants, public employees and workers in the whole Industry; to concretize into schemes, projects, tasks, implementation plans in accordance with the direction of the Government. In addition, to clearly define responsibilities and assign specific tasks to affiliated units, social insurance agencies of provinces and centrally-run cities and the coordination between units inside and outside the industry to ensure time, quality and efficiency, contributing to improving the business environment and enhancing national competitiveness. The assigning shall ensure the following principles: Transparent workforce, evident tasks, clear organization and implementation process; to further promote the role and responsibility of the head; to strengthen administrative discipline, public ethics and code of conduct of civil servants and public employees, maximizing the advantages for the units, businesses and people.

Promoting communication

The VSS has determined 5 key tasks in order to successfully complete the set objectives, specifically:

To closely coordinate with ministries and branches to perfect the system of policies and laws on social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance; to implement tasks and solutions for administrative procedure reform; to simplify and restructure processes and operations of the Vietnamese social insurance industry (especially administrative procedures related to business activities of people and enterprises as required in Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP dated May 12th, 2020 by the Government).

To promote IT application; to comprehensively deploy the digital transformation of the Vietnamese social insurance industry; to complete professional software system and centralized database; to link, connect and share data with relevant ministries and agencies to complete the national database on insurance (according to Decision No. 1939/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2019 of the Prime Minister).

The VSS continues to expand bilateral electronic payment with commercial banks

To continue to expand bilateral electronic payment with commercial banks; to propagate, mobilize and encourage recipients of pension and social insurance benefits through non-cash payment means.

To coordinate with media agencies inside and outside the industry; to promote the dissemination of major measures and solutions of the Vietnam's Social Insurance industry to further improving the business environment and enhancing national competitiveness according to the objectives set out in the Government's Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP and the Implementation Plan of the VSS.

To continue to support people and businesses to restore production and business and overcome the negative impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic.

The VSS also requires heads of affiliated units, directors of social insurance agencies of provinces and cities based on their assigned functions and tasks to organize the implementation and deployment ensuring schedule and quality.