To enhance professional skills on health insurance review and assessment

16/07/2020 02:12 PM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has just issued the professional training program on health insurance review and assessment along with Decision No. 802/QD-BHXH dated June 2, 2020.

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Accordingly, the participants will be officers who perform health insurance review and assessment at social security authorities at provincial and district levels.

The objective of the program is to provide learners with knowledge and skills on health insurance review and assessment to improve their working capacity, contributing to ensuring the benefits of participants in health insurance, which prevents abusive behaviors and self-seeking purposes from the health insurance fund and improves the efficiency of management and use of the health insurance fund.

The method of designing programs through specialized topics ranging from generally professional knowledge to specific skills aims to help learners master, understand and apply the skills learnt from the officers of health insurance review and assessment.

The training program has 40 periods in total, of which there are 07 teaching topics and field trips, including 04 parts: Part I: General knowledge, including 05 teaching topics; Part II: Specialized knowledge, including 01 teaching topic (depending on the specific task of the health insurance assessment officer will the appropriate topic be selected as follows); Part III: Skills, including 01 teaching topic; Part IV: Field trips, final exams, opening and closing sessions./.