The health insurance premiums for household, students, and pupils is adjusted from July 1, 2024

01/07/2024 12:15 PM

According to Decree 73/2024/NĐ-CP dated June 30, 2024, from July 1, 2024, the basic salary shall be 2.34 million VND/month. Therefore, the health insurance premiums for households, students, and pupils will be adjusted.

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Household health insurance premiums payment

According to current regulations, the first member in a household pays a monthly health insurance premiums equal to 4.5% of the basic salary. The second, third, and fourth member pays 70%, 60%, and 50% of the first member's contribution respectively. From the fifth member onward, each pays 40% of the first member's contribution.

From July 1, 2024, the specific contribution levels are:

Household members The health insurance premiums for household
The first member (100%) 1.263.600
The second member (70%) 884.520
The third member (60%) 758.160
The fourth member (50%) 631.800
The fifth member  505.440

Health Insurance Contribution for Students and Pupils

According to current regulations, students belong to the group whose contributions are partially supported by the state budget. Additionally, students attending educational institutions within the national education system will participate in health insurance through their schools, not through household health insurance.

From July 1, 2024, the monthly health insurance contribution for students will be 4.5% of the basic salary (with 30% supported by the state budget, and the remaining 70% paid by the students themselves). Parents and students can choose to pay in four methods: 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or 12 months at a time. The specific contribution levels are

Unit: VND/year

Payment methods

Puplis, Students pay 70%

The state budget support 30%

Total health insurance contributions

3 months




6 months




9 months




12 months


