NA Committee proposes relevant roadmap for effective wage reform

28/06/2024 02:50 PM

A relevant roadmap is required to implement wage reform policies along with adjustments of pensions and other types of allowances in an effective and consistent manner, heard a meeting of the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs.

The meeting on salary reform aimed to verify the report on the adjustment of pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for meritorious people and social allowances from July 1, 2024.

The committee’s chairwoman Nguyen Thuy Anh presided over the meeting.

Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra said the Government proposed solutions to adjust wages, pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for people with meritorious services and social allowances following the Party Resolution No 27-NQ/TW, Resolution No 28-NQ/TW, Resolution No 42-NQ/TW and other related legal regulations.

The proposals were made after many meetings with the Wage Reform Steering Committee, the Government Standing Committee, relevant ministries and sectors, based on the Politburo's conclusion at the meeting on June 19, 2024.

The reform has been made following an appropriate roadmap, ensuring feasibility, efficiency, and affordability of the State budget, she said.

Đề nghị sớm hoàn thiện các bảng lương, có lộ trình thực hiện hiệu quả cải cách tiền lương- Ảnh 2.

Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra delivers a speech at the meeting

Ensuring balance and equality

The adjustment must also ensure equality among beneficiaries, heard the meeting.

It must harmoniously resolve social relations, control social differentiation, and ensure public welfare.

If such conditions are satisfied, the adjustment shall be implemented right away.

In order to gain social consensus, prevent major disruptions and complex situations, and improve the lives of those affected, issues that face obstacles should be researched and improved gradually rather than hurriedly. This aim to enhance lives of beneficiaries, create motivation to improve productivity and work efficiency, and contribute to the country's socio-economic development.

According to Minister Tra, the business sector will fully implement Resolution No 27-NQ/TW, which includes adjusting the regional minimum wage by 6 per cent (by month and by hour) following the Labour Code from July 1, 2024 and applying regulations on salary mechanisms for State-owned enterprises from January 1, 2025.

Officials, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces will implement the Resolution 27 on salary reform following a roadmap with reasonable, cautious and feasible steps.

The sector is expected to finish the pay rise and additional bonus regime (bonus fund equivalent to 10 per cent of basic salary fund) while regulating funding sources for implementing the salary regime, perfecting the salary and income management mechanism.

Đề nghị sớm hoàn thiện các bảng lương, có lộ trình thực hiện hiệu quả cải cách tiền lương- Ảnh 3.

Vice chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs Dang Thuan Phong speaks at the meeting

Payroll completion proposed for effective wage reform

Participants at the meeting proposed the Government continue to research and soon complete payrolls, allowances, salary increase and bonus regimes, to make wage reform truly a driving force of economic and social development.

Đề nghị sớm hoàn thiện các bảng lương, có lộ trình thực hiện hiệu quả cải cách tiền lương- Ảnh 4.

An overview of the meeting

The Government must act quickly to resolve the issues and obstacles raised in the report and conduct a more thorough and in-depth evaluation in order to closely monitor the current state in a number of areas, including defence, security, health, and education.

There needs to be an appropriate roadmap to implement wage reform policies effectively, consistently and compatibly with adjustments of pensions, social insurance benefits, and preferential benefits for people with meritorious services to the revolution as well as social allowances./.