Database of VSS industry: Complete, updated, safe, well serving for the settlement of benefits for participants in social and health insurance

13/06/2024 10:35 AM

In the afternoon of June 10th, General Director of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen The Manh and Deputy General Director Chu Manh Sinh inspected and evaluated the operation of the IT System Operation Center of VSS.

VSS Leaders inspected and evaluated the operation of the IT System Operation Center of VSS

General Director Nguyen The Manh assessed, with the objects of service being participants in social and universal health insurance, currently the database of the VSS industry is very large and important. With the responsibility of the managing agency of the national database on insurance under regulation of the Decree No. 43/2021/ND-CP of the Government, this database of the sector has been regularly updated in real time, synchronously with many relevant ministries and branches. In particular,  ensuring information safety and security is always seen as special importance; thereby, well serving for the direction and administration of social insurance agencies at all levels, making an important contribution to improving the quality of service for participants and beneficiaries of policies in the direction of becoming more and more timely, accurate and simplified administrative procedures.

High degree of automation, risk prevention

The leader of the IT Center said that currently, VSS has been drastically deploying and operating the IT system of the industry in the direction of e-Government, towards digital government with a high level of automation of business processes. The entire application software system and data are managed and operated centrally by Vietnam Social Insurance at the Industry's Data Center.

Vietnam Social Security is currently maintaining the operation of centralized data centers, including: Main Data Center, Disaster Prevention and Recovery Data Center; ensure that the Sector's database is always backed up and stored safely in case of attack; at the same time, ensuring information security for 28 application systems for professional services. All systems of the sector are monitored in real time, timely warning of risks by closely coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Information and Communications and technical units.

Currently, 100% of the industry's operations are carried out on application software; 100% of civil servants, public employees and employees of the sector are identified and granted digital signatures for management and settlement of professional activities; 100% of direction, administration and internal administration activities of Vietnam Social Security are carried out on the Document Management and Administration System (Eoffice); 100% of documents exchanged between agencies are carried out in electronic form, digitally signed by the Government's specialized digital signature (issued by the Government Cipher Committee); 100% of records are created, stored and shared electronically under regulations.

With the national database on insurance, Vietnam Social Insurance always prioritizes focusing on getting rich; proactively and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities to connect, share, and create an important premise for promoting professional activities in the digital environment, providing online public services (DVC) of the sector in particular and promoting national digital transformation in general.

General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh: Ensuring information security, contributing to improving service quality

Implementing the Government's Project 06, Vietnam Social Security is the first unit to successfully connect to the national population database managed by the Ministry of Public Security - right from the time this database was officially put into operation. Up to now, the system of Vietnam Social Security has authenticated more than 96.8 million demographic information in the database managed by Vietnam Social Security with the national database on population, of which 86.9 million people are participating in and benefiting from social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance, accounting for 97.8% of the total number of participants (excluding the armed forces, military relatives). The synchronization and authentication of identification information of participants and beneficiaries of social, health and unemployment insurance policies with the national database on population helps standardize data between 2 national databases (population and insurance)...

An important premise to improve service quality

Evaluating the operation of each system, General Director Nguyen The Manh requested that the system's systems have been built, invested methodically and modernly, but the operation, monitoring and supervision are very important to promptly detect problems and solve them "early, remotely". In particular, information and data need to be updated and synchronized in real time, especially data on the collection and coverage of participants in social, health and unemployment insurance to effectively serve the direction and administration of leaders of the VSS industry, performing the tasks of local social insurance. This is also an important premise to provide services, utilities, solve regimes for participants to enjoy better and better policies.

However, General Director Nguyen The Manh noted that it is not because of running after utilities that trade-offs and underestimates information security factors. Because industry data is very important to every citizen and labourer, most of them include information from when a person is born to when he or she becomes an adult, works, and then dies. This information is of great value, is the national database, managed by the Government.

"Therefore, information security of the Vietnam Social Insurance industry is an important political task, ensuring cyber information security is a regular and continuous activity of the industry, ensuring the success of digital transformation, bringing greater and greater benefits to people and businesses" - General Director Nguyen The Manh shared.

Deputy General Director of VSS Chu Manh Sinh worked with the IT Center in the afternoon of June 10th, 2024

In that spirit, working with the IT Center, Deputy General Director Chu Manh Sinh said that currently, many cyberattacks targeted databases of ministries, branches and localities. Many incidents have occurred, causing very serious consequences. Fully aware of the problem, Vietnam Social Security always prioritizes and funded  resources for ensuring information security, not allowing incidents to occur.

However, the Deputy General Director requested that units and social insurance offices of provinces and cities should not be subjective; at the same time, the IT Center is required to strengthen the review and full identification of risks in information security, to advise the sector's leaders to promptly direct, administer and complete the system of relevant documents; proactively have plans and solutions to respond; further clarify the responsibilities of each unit and individual, especially the sense of responsibility to protect professional accounts of the sector. Always be in a definite mindset: The industry's database is under attack to proactively plan and be ready to respond. In addition, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the contingent of officials in information security with regularly updated skills and knowledge. At the same time, strengthen coordination with functional units on cyber security of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Information and Communications, and the Government Cipher Committee in order to supervise, promptly detect and handle vulnerabilities, prevent and dismantle malicious code attacks on the network system.