Implementing Project 06, developing e-commerce: 5 key tasks in the coming time

12/06/2024 03:45 PM

In the morning of June 10th, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the 1-year preliminary conference to remove "bottlenecks" in the implementation of Project 06 and promote connection and data sharing for e-commerce development and prevention of tax revenue loss.

The conference was held directly and online between the bridge point of the Government Headquarter and the bridge point of ministries, branches, central agencies and provinces and centrally-run cities. Attending the Conference were Deputy Prime Ministers: Le Minh Khai, Tran Luu Quang; leaders of ministries, branches and central agencies; representatives of Party committees and agencies of the National Assembly; leaders of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh: Upholding the spirit, responsibility, "only discussing on action, not retreating" to promote digital transformation and develop e-commerce - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh assessed that the implementation of Project 06 on the development of data applications on population, electronic identification and authentication for the period of 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030 is one of the "bright spots" of digital transformation in our country in recent times, which have been drastically directed by the Government, The Prime Minister, and implemented relatively synchronously, actively and effectively by members of the Working Group, ministries, sectors and localities.

The implementation of Project 06 has brought specific and practical results in the management and administration at all levels, sectors and localities and served socio-economic development, providing utilities for the people and businesses. The Project 06 has played a pioneering and leading role in promoting national digital transformation, innovating national governance methods via digital techniques, contributing to promoting the development of digital government, digital economy, digital society, and digital citizens.

In addition to the outstanding results achieved by Project 06, the Prime Minister stated that we must absolutely not be subjective, complacent, and "asleep in victory". 01 year ago, in the process of implementing Project 06, we identified many difficulties, challenges and "bottlenecks" that need to be immediately removed, related to legal, technological infrastructure, data, security, safety, human resources, etc.

The Prime Minister has directed solutions to remove (at the Document No. 452/TTg-KSTT dated May 23rd, 2023). At the same time, the Prime Minister has also issued a Directive on requiring the synchronization of population data with tax, banking, telecommunications data, etc. to identify and authenticate individuals and organizations on the electronic bases; prevent fraud and tax evasion in e-commerce activities, business on digital platforms, and cross-border business (Directive No. 18/CT-TTg dated May 30th, 2023).

After listening to the reports of leaders of ministries, branches, People's Committees of provinces and cities, concluding of the Conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked all levels and branches, especially ministers, heads of branches, heads of agencies, chairmen of local People's Committees to uphold the sense of responsibility, initiative, creativity, Confident and innovative, "don't say no, don't say yes, don't say yes but don't do", "only discuss and do, don't backward", focus on implementing 5 groups of tasks and solutions to promote digital transformation, develop e-commerce, bring specific and practical benefits to the people and businesses.

Firstly, urgently improve institutions for the development of population data, data connection and sharing in particular and national digital transformation in general; ministries, sectors and localities must be proactive, active and creative under their competence, not waiting and not relying on others.

The Ministry of Public Security urgently completes the proposal to develop the Law on Personal Data Protection and the Law on Data; soon submit to the Government for promulgation a Decree on electronic identification and authentication to replace Decree No. 59/2022/ND-CP. Expeditiously complete and submit for promulgation a Decree guiding a number of articles of the Law on Identification, and at the same time, coordinate with ministries and branches in reviewing, studying and amending legal documents on population management; agreed on a plan to thoroughly simplify 317 administrative procedures related to citizen data exploitation.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade urgently studies and advises the Government on proposals to amend laws and guiding documents related to e-commerce, especially the Law on Consumer Protection; study and formulate an e-commerce development strategy in order to manage and sustainably develop domestic and cross-border e-commerce platforms, protect consumer rights, ensure competitiveness and effectively prevent acts of selling counterfeit goods and goods of unknown origin, low-quality goods.

Overview of the Conference at the Government Headquarters bridge (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

The Ministry of Finance urgently completes the dossier for submission to the Government for promulgation of the Decree on amending Decree No. 123/2020/ND-CP on providing regulations on the application of e-invoices for e-commerce transactions, livestream services, food and beverage services, etc.

The Ministry of Information and Communications urgently develops and completes to submit to the Government for promulgation documents on implementing the Law on Electronic Transactions (Be effective from July 1, 2024); Decree on amending and supplementing Decree No. 73/2019/ND-CP dated September 5th, 2019 providing on regulations on the management of investment in information technology application funded by State budget.

The Ministry of Home Affairs urgently formulates and completes to submit to the Government for promulgation of documents on implementing the Law on Archives (amended).

The Government Office urgently completes the dossier for submission to the Government for promulgation of the Decree on electronic interconnection with 2 groups of interconnected administrative procedures; completing documents guiding the model model of the one-stop shop department for providing public services in the direction of combining the one-stop shop department of administrative units at all levels at the locality.

Secondly, promote the simplification and restructuring of the administrative procedure process to improve the quantity and quality of public services provided to the people.

"Ensure the necessary conditions to convert to using VNeID as the only account in carrying out administrative procedures and providing public services in the electronic environment from July 1, 2024," the Prime Minister requested.

Instruct medical facilities and the people to use electronic health book information on VNeID; urgently evaluate effective pilot public services such as issuing judicial record cards on VNeID in Thua Thien Hue and Hanoi for replication nationwide.

The ministries, agencies and localities shall expeditiously complete the connection of electronic data management warehouses of organizations and individuals on the information system for settlement of administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial levels with electronic data management warehouses of organizations and individuals on the National Public Service Portal for the settlement of administrative procedures, providing public services (in accordance with the direction in Directive No. 27/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister).

Thirdly, accelerate the construction of the National Data Center, specialized databases of ministries, sectors and localities, creating a premise for the development and exploitation of national databases and the formation of a digital identification information repository for citizens and organizations in the implementation of administrative procedures. Promote synchronous integration, interconnection between national databases to develop digital government and promote commercial transactions in the digital environment t regularly continuously and safely.

Delegates attending the Conference at the Vietnam Social Security bridge point

Fourthly, promote digital transformation in tax administration and synchronously implement solutions for e-invoices, especially in the management of e-commerce activities.

Promote digitization and enrichment of databases of ministries, sectors and localities; build and put into operation a shared database on e-commerce.

Drastically implementing solutions for e-invoices, localities be interested in allocating resources to deploy e-invoices in direct retail to consumers. Review and strictly handle violations of business establishments that do not issue e-invoices.

Fifthly, ministries, sectors and localities shall, on the basis of their functions, tasks and powers, proactively review and effectively overcome 6 groups of limitations, shortcomings and remaining problems as pointed out at the report of the Ministry of Public Security, build up a roadmap for implementation (legal, online public services, digital infrastructure, security, cyber safety, resources, direction, administration, etc.).

According to the Prime Minister, the past 2 and a half years are not a short journey but not long for the task of implementing our Project 06 in particular and the national digital transformation in general. Behind us are very impressive but very basic implementation results, and there are still many difficulties ahead, we propose ministers, heads of branches, heads of agencies, chairmen of local People's Committees with high determination, great efforts, drastic action, etc with the participation and participation of the whole political system, continue to effectively implement Project 06, and at the same time effectively implement data connection and sharing to promote digital transformation, promote e-commerce in particular and socio-economic development in general, bringing specific and practical benefits to the people and businesses.