VSS Industry: Strong digital transformation and service quality improvement

15/07/2024 10:30 AM

Recently, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has focused on drastic implemention of digital transformation, particularly, Project No. 06 of the Government in the field of social and health insurance, bringing participants many benefits and conveniences, and being recognized and responded to by the people and businesses.

Leaders of VSS industry regularly pay attention to directing and examining the implementation of digital transformation and the Project 06

VSS is the first agency to successfully connect with the national population database since this database was officially put into operation. Up to now, the VSS System has verified more than 97.6 million demographic information contained in the national insurance database with the national population database, of which about 87.4 million participants of social, health, and unemployment insurance, accounting for 98% of the total number of participants (excluding armed forces and military relatives).

Synchronizing and authenticating identification information of participants and beneficiaries of social, health, and unemployment insurance policies with the national population database helps to standardize data between the two national databases (residential and insurance), improving accuracy of information and data. This is an important basis for implementing the provision of services and utilities for participants and beneficiaries of social, health and unemployment insurance policies on the national population database, helping to reduce many administrative procedures, facilitating businesses and participants in declaring and completing procedures.

Currently, all administrative procedures of VSS are provided online public services (DVC) on many platforms and forms. 100% of the people and businesses have utilised online services are identified and authenticated smoothly and consolidated on the Electronic Social Insurance Transaction System of VSS (The system is deployed centrally throughout the Industry). 100% of VSS's administrative procedure processing results have been digitized (returning electronic results).

Implementing the goal of gradually replacing citizens' documents in some transactions under the regulations of law, VSS has issued electronic copies of social insurance books and health insurance cards. On the basis of synchronization and authentication of participant information from the national insurance database with the national population database, Vietnam Social Security has coordinated with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Public Security to deploy the utilization of chip-imbedded public identification cards and applies national electronic identification (VNeID) to serve medical examination and treatment with health insurance. To date, nation-wide, 100% of health insurance medical facilities have deployed health insurance medical examination and treatment using chip-embedded. Deploying health insurance medical examination using identification cards, health insurance patients only need to use identification cards to carry out medical examination procedures, helping to simplify procedures, saving time for both patients and medical staffs, and the social insurance office also saving costs of printing and issuing health insurance cards.

In addition, recently, VSS has made efforts to implement solutions to promote payment of non-cash insurance regimes. To date, nation-wide, there were about 72% of beneficiaries receive social insurance and unemployment regimes via personal accounts in urban areas, an increase of about 8% compared to 2023). In particular, on March 22nd, 2024, Vietnam Social Security and the Ministry of Public Security agreed to promulgate a process for coordinating the implementation of non-cash payments in the payment of pensions and social insurance benefits on national population database platform. Thereby, data of the people receiving pensions and social insurance benefits will be synchronized and regularly updated with the population database, further enhancing accuracy and helping to pay regimes for the right people; move towards reducing and simplifying administrative procedures and paperwork.

Payment of social insurance and unemployment benefits through personal accounts has been bringing many benefits, ensuring safety, speed, saving time, and attracting a large number of participants and beneficiaries of the policy. Social insurance and unemployment insurance welcome. With this method, every month, people receiving pensions, social insurance benefits, and unemployment benefits do not need to go to a centralized location to receive money and sign the payment list.

VSS Industry: Strong digital transformation, improvement of service quality

In the field of transfomation, currently, VSS has been drastically deploying and operating the Industry's IT system in the direction of e-Government, towards digital Government with high-level automation of business processes. The entire application software and data system is managed and operated centrally by Vietnam Social Security at the Industry's Data Center.

Vietnam Social Security is currently maintaining the operation of a centralized data center (main data center and backup and disaster recovery data center) and ensuring information security for 28 professional application systems, ensuring 100% of the Industry's operations are performed on application software; 100% of civil servants, public employees and employees of the Industry are identified and issued digital signatures to serve the management and resolution of professional activities; 100% of the direction, administration and internal administration activities of Vietnam Social Security are carried out on the Document Management and Administration System (Eoffice); 100% of documents exchanged between agencies are done in electronic form, digitally signed by the Government's specialized digital signature (issued by the Government Cipher Committee); 100% of records are created, stored, and shared electronically according to regulations. In addition, in order to serve people in the health insurance examination and treatment work, Vietnam Social Security has built and officially operated the Health Insurance Assessment Information System. The system is regularly developed, perfected and built with additional functions and features, ensuring better benefits for participants.

Currently, the Vietnam Social Security system has connected with more than 13 thousand health insurance medical facilities nationwide to receive data on requesting payment of health insurance medical examination and treatment costs; More than 621 thousand units and businesses transacted electronically with the social insurance office, thereby, helping businesses to save time, costs and facilitate administrative procedures on social, health and unemployment insurance.

At the same time, VSS is also increasingly upgrading and perfecting the VssID - digital social insurance application. By using this application, users can manage and control information about the process of participating in and enjoying social, health, and unemployment insurance policies; Carry out social and health insurance public services conveniently, easily, quickly, saving time and travel costs.

It can be said that by the synchronous and comprehensive implementation of the contents of digital transformation that the Project 06 of the Government as a focus, Vietnam's social insurance industry has been achieving positive results that the beneficiaries are the people and businesses, helping to resolve and pay social insurance, health, and unemployment insurance regimes and policies more promptly, quickly, accurately, and improve service quality.