In the first 6 months of 2024: the entire VSS industry achieved outstanding results, creating momentum to successfully complete the year's tasks

10/07/2024 02:45 PM

In the afternoon of July 9th, General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh chaired the industry-wide online conference for the first 6 months of 2024 for summarizing workloads.

Attending the Conference were Vice Chairman of the Social Insurance Management Council Nguyen Van Cuong; Deputy General Directors of Vietnam Social Security: Tran Dinh Lieu, Dao Viet Anh, Le Hung Son, Nguyen Duc Hoa, Chu Manh Sinh and leaders of units under Vietnam Social Security; Representative of the Ministry of National Defense Social Insurance and the People's Public Security Social Insurance. At the local places, there are leaders of provincial and city social insurance agencies; leaders of specialized departments and district-level social insurance.

General Director Nguyen The Manh chaired the conference at the VSS headquarter

Important contributions in perfecting policies

At the Conference, the Chief of VSS Office had an overall assessment report on the results of direction, administration, and implementation of tasks in the whole Industry in the first 6 months of 2024.

Accordingly, the entire Industry continues to coordinate closely and regularly with ministries and central branches in building and amending social, unemployment and health insurance policies and laws: Proactively and actively participating in building, amending important bills directly related to the implementation of social and health regimes and policies.

Especially, on June 29th, 2024, at the 7th session, the 15th National Assembly passed the Law on Social Insurance (amended). The opinions of Vietnam Social Security were agreed, voted in favor by the majority of National Assembly deputies and included in the draft Law. This is a recognition of the Government, National Assembly and the People for the efforts of the VSS Industry in contributing and building a comprehensive social insurance policy system; The system of organizing and implementing social insurance policies is professional, modern, effective, public and transparent.

Regarding some key indicators, in the context of a positive socio-economic recovery with many improvements, collecting and developing participants in social, unemployment, and health insurance of the Industry has achieved positive results compared to the same period in 2023.

Illustrative image (internet)

Specifically: The number of people participating in social insurance is 18.305 million people; reaching a coverage rate of 39.05%, an increase of 1.164 million people over the same period last year; of which: The number of people participating in compulsory social insurance is 16.678 million people; The number of people participating in voluntary social insurance is 1.627 million people. The number of people participating in unemployment insurance is 14.965 million; reaching a coverage rate of 31.93% of the workforce within the age group; an increase of 955 thousand people over the same period last year. The number of people participating in health insurance is 92.131 million; reaching a coverage rate of 91.86% of the population; an increase of 1.225 million people over the same period last year. Total accumulated social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance revenues from the beginning of the year to the end of June 2024 increased by 19,870 billion VND compared to the same period last year.

The communication of social and health insurance policies and laws is increasingly effective, methodical, professional, transmitted promptly, accurately, and has a strong pervasiveness, creating unity in leadership, direction and consensus and support of the entire society. The resolution and implementation of social and unemployment insurance regimes and policies are always fully and promptly guaranteed to each participant and beneficiary, thereby, contributing to supporting and stabilizing the lives of employees. The implementation of health insurance policies synchronously deploys many solutions; Strictly control and optimize the effectiveness of health insurance fund use in the context of limited resources, ensuring correct and sufficient spending, promptly serving medical examination and treatment activities, care, Protect the people's health and ensure the rights of participants, focusing all resources on medical care, especially, rare diseases, chronic diseases, dangerous diseases and the people in difficult circumstances...

Directions and tasks for the last 6 months of the year

At the Conference, leaders of social insurance in localities: Hai Phong, Ha Tinh, Da Nang, Binh Thuan, Ho Chi Minh City reported on the implementation of social, health, and unemployment insurance policies in the area in the first 6 months of 2024; At the same time, they also state the difficulties and solutions for implementation in the coming time. In particular, the local social insurance offices determined that in term of the collection, they will continue to focus on closely following the employers, closely coordinate with the branches, organize conferences to urge and strengthen inspections of the units for late payment... Regarding participant development, the units will closely follow the Industry's scenario, exploit tax data, cooperatives, organize customer conferences, small group conferences to each village... Local social insurance also recommended that VSS strengthen guidance and support for solutions in collection, participant development, health insurance examination, data synchronization...

Speaking at the Conference, leaders of units under VSS had assessments, instructions, and solution orientations that Social Insurance Offices of provinces and cities need to focus on implementing in the coming time. In particular, Mr. Duong Van Hao, Head of the Management Board of Collection - Books and Cards requests that the Social Insurance Offices of provinces and cities closely follows the directions of VSS, advising on strengthening the activities of the Steering Committees on implementation of social and health insurance policies in the area; Focus on reviewing data, identifying reduction groups to focus on urging and advocating; Besides, it is necessary to strengthen risk management in professional activities... Mr. Le Van Phuc, Head of the Health Insurance Policy Implementation Committee also suggested that local social insurance agencies continue to strengthen the control of medical examination and treatment costs. Health insurance in the last months of the year; At the same time, coordinate to ensure enough medicine and medical supplies to best serve the medical needs of the people...

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