VSS General Director: ensure timely, full and convenient payment of pensions according to the new increase for beneficiaries

08/07/2024 10:13 AM

Implementing the Government’s Decree No 75/2024/NĐ-CP on adjusting pensions and monthly social insurance allowances, on July 1, General Director of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen The Manh and leaders of some VSS units inspected and directed the implementation of the Decree in Hanoi.

General Director Nguyen The Manh requested that Hanoi Social Security Office focus all its resources on implementing the payment of pensions and social insurance benefits for July 2024 in line with the VSS guidelines. The practice aims to ensure the timely, accurate, and most convenient payment of pensions and social insurance allowances to beneficiaries. In addition, it is necessary to communicate, encourage, guide and support people to switch from receiving benefits in cash to receiving benefits via bank accounts (ATM) to be served better.

 VSS General Director Nguyen The Manh presents pension to 92-year-old Luong Thi Hai at her residence in Yet Kieu Ward, Ha Dong District

General Director Nguyen The Manh said that according to the Decree No 75/2024/NĐ-CP, the Government decided to increase monthly pensions and social insurance allowances by 15 per cent from July 1, 2024 for all pensioners, regardless of whether they worked in the state sector, business sector or voluntarily participated in social insurance. The adjustment is reasonable and harmonious, ensuring sharing between pensioners and social insurance contributors, between the state and non-state sectors, and between generations participating in and benefiting from the social insurance policies. According to the VSS leader, 15 per cent is the highest pension increase in many years, demonstrating the Party and State’s special attention to ensuring stable lives of retirees.

Meeting with those receiving the newly-increased pensions on July 1 at their residences, General Director Nguyen The Manh said, as the Government agency assigned to implement social insurance and health insurance policies, over the past time, VSS has collaborated with relevant agencies to advise the Government on issuing policies to increase pensions and social insurance allowances. VSS has also been proactive and ready to focus on all resources on implementing this policy, synchronising solutions, developing specific plans, and applying information technology, among others to ensure timely, quick, accurate, safe and effective payment of pensions and social insurance allowances for beneficiaries; strengthening the inspection and supervision of payments; and coordinating with relevant bodies to resolve any arising issues as well as report shortcomings in the implementation process. Therefore, as soon as the Government promulgated the Decree, the whole social security industry has immediately implemented the payment of pensions and social insurance allowances to beneficiaries according to the new increase.

General Director Nguyen The Manh talks to 77-year-old Nguyen Huu To in Phung Hung Ward, Ha Dong District about the reception of pension through bank accounts

Opening a text message notifying him of his pension being transferred to his bank account on his phone, 77-year-old Nguyen Huu T in Phung Hung Ward, Ha Dong District said he was very happy when he heard that the Government proposed to increase pensions and social insurance allowances from July 1, 2024. With the increase, his monthly pension will be VND7,670,000, up more than VND1 million. The amount will not only help him cover his living expenses but also help him save some money. Therefore, he had been anxiously waiting for the message from early hours of July 1 and by noon, he received the new pension level transferred to his the bank account.

 Similarly, 61-year-old Le Thi Chi in Kien Hung Ward, Ha Dong District also received her new pension level transferred to her bank account mid-day on July 1. She said she worked for a company and by the time she retired, she had contributed to the mandatory social insurance regime for only 15 years, thus, she was not qualified for receiving a pension. Thus, she has participated in voluntary social insurance regime and has been receiving monthly pensions since 2018.

“Today, I receive more than VND2.34 million in pension, an increase of VND305,800 compared to the previous month. I’m very happy, this is a stable source of income, though modest, it helps me a lot in my life. I am also happy that the social insurance office makes the payment quick, prompt and convenient to recipients,” she said.

 61-year-old Le Thi Chi in Kien Hung Ward, Ha Dong District feels happy that the new pension level is paid on time and in full

Meeting with 91-year-old Luong Thi Hai living in Yet Kieu Ward, Ha Dong District, who receives her pension at home due to her poor health, VSS General Director Nguyen The Manh asked about her health, social insurance participation and monthly pension. He also instructed Hanoi Social Security Office to create favourable conditions for Hai to receive pension promptly, fully and conveniently./.