VSS Industry: Improving skills, fostering foreign affairs knowledge, and international integration in the new situation

17/07/2024 02:15 PM

During two days, July 15th-16th, 2024, in Hai Duong, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) held a training conference on foreign affairs and fostering international integration knowledge of VSS Industry in 2024 for Social Insurance Offices of provinces and cities in Northern area. Deputy General Director of Vietnam Social Insurance Dao Viet Anh attended and chaired the Conference.

Deputy General Director of VSS Dao Viet Anh delivered the opening speech at the Conference

Enhance the position of Vietnam's social insurance industry in the international arena

Speaking at the opening of the Conference, Deputy General Director of VSS Dao Viet Anh emphasized that in recent times, in the context of the general impacts of the domestic and foreign socio-economy, Vietnam is still one of the bright spots in the world in term of foreign affairs and economic growth. The first months of 2024 have witnessed vibrant diplomatic activities in the country. With the initiative, closely following the Resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government, and the directions of the Government Leaders; close coordination of ministries, departments, central branches, party committees, and local authorities in carrying out and conducting the implementation of policies and laws on social, unemployment, health insurance and efforts in mission implementation, VSS industry has achieved many outstanding results, as follows:

Collecting and developing participants in social, unemployment, and health insurance has achieved some positive results and has seen growth and development. As of June 2024, the number of participants in social insurance is 18.305 million; reaching a coverage rate of 39.05% of the workforce within the age group; an increase of 1.164 million people over the same period last year. The number of participants in unemployment insurance is 14.965 million; reaching a coverage rate of 31.93% of the labor force within the age group; an increase of 955 thousand people over the same period last year. The number of participants in health insurance is 92.131 million; reaching a coverage rate of 91.86% of the population; an increase of 1.225 million people over the same period last year. The total accumulated social, health, and unemployment insurance revenue from the beginning of the year to the end of June 2024 is 240,909 billion VND, an increase of 19,870 billion VND compared to the same period last year. The implementation of social and unemployment insurance regimes and policies are always guaranteed fully and promptly. The implementation of health insurance policies synchronously deploys many solutions; Strictly control and optimize the efficiency of health insurance fund use.

In the joint efforts of the entire Industry, the foreign affairs and international integration in 2024 of VSS has also achieved outstanding results: Unified management regulations of the Industry's foreign affairs activities after nearly 3-year implementation has contributed to improving quality, efficiency, and creating unity in foreign affairs throughout the Industry. Implementing the Industry's 2024 Foreign Affairs Plan, VSS strengthens foreign affairs and multilateral connections in the region and in the world in the field of social security; Implement plans and technical and financial support programs to serve the implementation of key tasks of the Industry, especially, in the amendments to the Law on Social and Health Insurance.

 In addition, since January 2024, Vietnam Social Security has seriously and effectively implemented the tasks assigned by the Prime Minister to implement the Agreement between the Government of Vietnam and the Government of Korea on social insurance.

“On behalf of the leaders of VSS, I acknowledge and appreciate the coordination and companionship of ministries, departments and branches; The efforts of affiliated units, social insurance of provinces and centrally-run cities, and the system of focal officers carrying out foreign affairs of the VSS Industry have made an important contribution to promoting image, enhancing the position of Vietnam in general and VSS in particular domestically and in the international arena" - Deputy General Director of VSS Dao Viet Anh said.

Information about the Law on Social Insurance (amended), Deputy General Director of Vietnam Social Insurance Dao Viet Anh said that at the 7th Session (June 29, 2024), the 15th National Assembly passed the Law on Social Insurance (amended). Accordingly, the contents of international cooperation is supplemented and made into a separate article, Article 8. International cooperation on social insurance aims to develop a flexible, diverse, multi-layered, modern, integrated social insurance system, approaching international standards. The addition of Article 8 of the amended Social Insurance Law also creates a legal framework and favorable conditions for VSS to continue to promote international cooperation in the field of implementing social insurance policies and Agreements on social insurance between Vietnam and other countries to ensure the rights of Vietnamese workers working abroad and foreign workers coming to work in Vietnam. At the same time, it opens up many opportunities for international integration in the field of social security for VSS, requiring VSS officials to improve and foster knowledge and skills in foreign affairs.

In addition, on April 25th, 2024, the Prime Minister signed for issuance of Decision No. 436/QD-TTg on approving the Plan to implement the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Republic of Korea on social insurance which assign VSS to implement the Agreement signed on December 14th, 2021 between the Government of Vietnam and the Government of Korea on social insurance. This is a new and important task that needs to be implemented seriously and effectively throughout the industry. Therefore, organizing a training conference not only fosters knowledge, skills, updates information on foreign affairs, foreign information  and international integration for officials, employees, and the workers in the entire VSS sector, to meet work requirements in the new situation; In addition, delegates who attended the Conference were also able to disseminate and thoroughly grasp the Plan to implement the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Republic of Korea on social insurance, and provide professional guidance on implementing the Agreement; Update information on the world and regional economic situation; "Vietnamese Bamboo" Diplomacy...

To continue efforts and strive to complete the 2024 Foreign Affairs Work Plan and meet assigned requirements and tasks, the Deputy General Director requested delegates attending the Conference to focus on listening to shared information from the speakers, promptly updating new issues in foreign affairs. At the same time, improve knowledges of international integration in general and in 2024 in particular.

Continue to expand and develop foreign relations

At the Conference, Dr. Nguyen Hai Luu, Deputy Director of the Foreign Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shared about "Bamboo diplomacy" in Vietnam's foreign affairs and diplomatic activities during the period. new period. Dr. Nguyen Hai Luu informed that the diplomatic term "Vietnamese bamboo" recently appeared and became popular at diplomatic forums at home and abroad. At the 29th Diplomatic Conference (2016), the term "Vietnamese bamboo" was metaphorically mentioned by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong about Vietnam's foreign policy: Soft yet tough, kind yet stubborn, knowing softness yet knowing hardness, knowing the time, knowing the situation, knowing yourself, knowing the person..."National Foreign Affairs Conference on December 14th, 2021, the General Secretary reaffirmed "bamboo Vietnam" with the approach viewpoints "Solid roots, sturdy trunks, flexible branches... imbued with the soul, character and spirit of the Vietnamese Nation...At the 32nd National Diplomatic Conference on 19th December 2023, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong affirmed: "Continue to innovate, build and develop a modern, comprehensively strong Vietnamese foreign affairs and diplomacy, imbued with the identity of "Vietnamese bamboo". Diplomacy "Vietnamese bamboo" with the attributes of firmness at the foot, the trunk, flexibility at the branches, has been tested and summarized through the practice of the process of fighting to build and defend the country, in the process of building and defending the Fatherland, under the leadership of the Party, and has now been visualized as the foreign policy that the Communist Party of Vietnam has been implementing consistently for the supreme benefits of the country and the people, on the basis of based on basic principles of international law, equality and mutual benefit.

Overview of the Conference

Applying "bamboo diplomacy" in information and foreign affairs, Dr. Nguyen Hai Luu said that VSS industry needs to continue to innovate, be creative and proactively adapt to exploit maximum potential, opportunities and favorable conditions of the process of cooperation and international integration to develop the Industry... thereby, gradually, affirming the position and image of VSS as a friend, trusted partner, active member,  responsible of the regional and international social security community.

Regarding "The regional and world economic situation affecting Vietnam and its implications for VSS industry", Dr. Vo Tri Thanh, Director of the Institute for Brand Strategy and  Competitiveness Research shared, in the context of of a complex, and unpredictable world, Vietnam continues to consistently implement a foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, multilateralization and diversification of foreign relations; as a friend, a trusted partner and an active, responsible member of the international community. On that basis, VSS industry continues to expand and develop foreign relations with international and regional organizations in depth, becoming increasingly stable and sustainable to transfer knowledge and international experience and technology into the industry's operations, contributing to accelerating the process of innovation and development of the VSS industry in a professional and modern direction, for the satisfaction of participants.

At the Conference, the Director of the Department of International Cooperation (Vietnam Social Security) Nguyen Tien Thanh disseminates the implementation of the Plan to conduct the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Republic of Korea on social insurance of VSS industry.

Accordingly, on December 14th, 2021, in Seoul, Korea, the two governments signed a bilateral agreement on social insurance. This is the first bilateral agreement between the two countries in the field of social security and also as the first bilateral agreement on social insurance between Vietnam and another country. Based on the signed contents, units under VSS and Social Security Offices of provinces and cities need to proactively review and add tasks to implement the Agreement and signed agreements into the units’ programs and plans, ensuring full and correct implementation of commitments, responsibilities and obligations; Ensuring the rights of employees covered by the Agreement...

In order to better understand the professional acitvities of implementing the Agreement, representatives of the Collection, Books and Card Management Board guided the implementation of the Agreement on social insurance subjects. Along with that, MSc. Tran Thu Thuy, Lecturer of the Faculty of Communication and Foreign Culture, Diplomatic Academy also shared an article on "Building local brands in foreign affairs activities"; Topic "The issue of population aging and informal sector labor in Asian countries impacts the social security system, experiences for Vietnam presented by Mr. Robert J. Palacios, Senior Economic Expert of the region East Asia-Pacific region, the World Bank. Many opinions exchanged at the Conference were also satisfactorily answered by experts and representatives of units under VSS.

On this occasion, on behalf of the leaders of VSS industry, Deputy General Director Dao Viet Anh awarded the medal "For the cause of Vietnam's Social Security" to Senior Economic Expert Mr. Robert J.Palacios, and Ms. Himanshi Jain, Senior Social Security Expert, World Bank to recognize the contributions of the two experts in coordination with Vietnam Social Security from 2022 to now, especially, consultations and recommendations for amending and supplementing the Social Insurance Law and supporting Vietnam Social Security in developing social insurance participants as well as expanding coverage and improving the effectiveness of implementing voluntary social insurance policies in Vietnam./.