The Da Nang City Social Security Office organizes a press conference to provide information on the implemented tasks in the first 6 months of 2024

16/07/2024 10:10 AM

Da Nang City Social Security Office organized a press conference to provide information on the implementation of social, health and unemployment insurance policies in the first 6 months of 2024 and the direction for tasks in the last six months of 2024. The Director of Provincial Social Security Office, Nguyen Tri Dai, attended and chaired the conference.

Attending the conference were representatives from various agencies and departments, including the Propaganda Department of the Da Nang City Party Committee; the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of  Da Nang City; the Departments of Health, the Department of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs; the Department of Information and Communications; as well as over 17 journalists and reporters from local and central news agencies. On the side of Da Nang City Social Security Office, there were the Deputy Directors, heads of professional divisions, and directors of district social security offices.

At the conference, representatives from Da Nang City Social Security Office  informed the results of social and health insurance policies implementation in the first six months of 2024; shared press information titled “Vietnam Social Security: Efforts and Positive Contributions to public health care in the new situation” and presented a summary report on 15 years of implementing Directive No. 38-CT/TW, dated September 7, 2009, by the Party Central Committee's Secretariat on “Promoting health insurance working in the new situation”.

Nguyen Tri Dai, Director of the Da Nang City Social Security Office, delivers a speech at the conference

In the first 6 months of the year, under the attention, leadership, and direction of the City Party Committee, the People's Committee, and the People's Council, with the coordination of various departments, agencies, and mass organizations, and the support of news agencies and the dedicated efforts of journalists and reporters, the leadership and employees of Da Nang City Social Security Office have united and strived to uphold their sense of responsibility, determined to overcome difficulties and challenges to proactively implement the assigned targets and tasks, achieving some positive results:

Estimated by June 30, the estimated total revenue from social, health, and unemployment insurance reached VND 3,522,499 million, achieving 48.15% of the plan, an increase of VND 345,611 million (equivalent to 10.88%) compared to the same period in 2023. The number of compulsory social and health insurance participants increases 252,600 people, reaching 94.79% of the plan, an increase of 11,730 people (equivalent to 4.87%) compared to the same period in 2023. The number of voluntary social insurance participants was 26,575 people, reaching 80.53% of the plan, an increase of 8,244 people (equivalent to 44.97%) compared to the same period in 2023. The number of unemployment insurance participants was 252,493 people, achieving 97.48%, an increase of 18,628 people (equivalent to 7.97%) compared to the same period in 2023. The number in health insurance participants was 1,119,071 people, achieving 97.31% of the plan, an increase of 24,961 people (equivalent to 2.30%) compared to the same period in 2023. The workforce within the eligible age for unemployment insurance participation reached 40.24%, exceeding the target set by Resolution 28-NQ/TW by 5.24%. The office has processed and disbursed benefits to 90,212 recipients of various social insurance regimes with a total amount of VND 646,956 million, an increase of 159 recipients and VND 115,747 million compared to the same period in 2023. Additionally, 133 units have been inspected and audited, including 83 specialized inspections, 10 interagency inspections, and 40 audits (including 30 employers, 6 health facilities health insurance participants, and 4 internal units). All plans on simplify administrative procedures and citizen documents related to population management have been implemented. Proactive coordination has been achieved: Connecting and sharing data between the national population database and the national insurance database, Ensuring the use of chip-embedded citizen ID cards and the VNEID electronic identification application in stead of paper health insurance cards for health insurance examination and treatment. The information of 1,086,998 individuals in the national insurance database has been authenticated with the national population database (of which more than 99.2% are current social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance policies participants and beneficiaries). All health facilities implementing health insurance examinations and treatments in the city use chip-embedded citizen ID cards.

Illustrative image (VSS)

After getting the information on the results of social, health insurance, and unemployment insurance implementation in the first 6 months of the year by the Da Nang City Social Security Office, journalists and reporters posed questions and provided opinions on various issues related to the implementation of social, health and unemployment insurance policies. These issues included: the increased social insurance benefits according to the base salary from July 1, 2024; the use of health insurance cards on the VssID-BHXH digital application, chip-embedded citizen ID cards, and the VneID electronic identification application as replacements for paper cards in medical examinations and treatments; the prolonged and substantial delay payment of social, health and unemployment insurance premiums by certain units and the solutions to ensure the rights of participants; the shortage of medicines in some health facilities; administrative sanctions for violations of social, health and unemployment insurance by employers; and the synchronization of the national insurance database with the national population database. The questions were addressed directly by representatives of the city social security office leadership and heads of professional departments, who provided specific, clear, and regulation-compliant responses.

In conclusion, Director of the Da Nang City Social Security Office, Nguyen Tri Dai, on behalf of the leadership, expressed gratitude to the delegates for taking the time to attend the conference; through the conference, the Da Nang City Social Security Office provided timely and useful information on social and health insurance policies; expressed a desire to continue receiving support and cooperation from various departments, agencies, organizations, and news agencies to work together in building a more completed and efficient social and healthcare system. This collaboration aims to enhance satisfaction among residents and businesses, thereby ensuring social security in the locality./.