Thoroughly grasp and implement the Resolution No.41-NQ/TW of the Politburo on promoting the role of businessmen in the new era

15/05/2024 05:05 AM

In the morning of May 10th, in Hanoi, the Central Propaganda Department coordinated with the Central Economic Committee and the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to hold a conference to thoroughly grasp and implement Resolution 41- Resolution/TW dated October 10th, 2023 of the Politburo on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era. The conference was held both directly at the central point and online at 4,322 points nationwide with the participation of 206,962 delegates.

Comrades: Nguyen Trong Nghia, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department; Le Minh Khai, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister; Nguyen Duc Hien, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Committee; Pham Tan Cong, President of VCCI chaired the Conference

Attending and chairing the Conference were Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia; Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai; Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission Nguyen Duc Hien, VCCI PRes Pham Tan Cong...

Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of the agency, General Director of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen The Manh attended and chaired the Conference at the VSS bridge point. Also attending the Conference were members of the Standing Committee, members of the Party Executive Committee, party committees of affiliated party organizations and officials and party members of the Vietnam Social Security Agency's Party Committee.

The business team is one of the core forces contributing to promoting the cause of industrialization, modernization of the country and international integration

At the Conference, Nguyen Duc Hien, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Committee, reported on the main contents of the Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW.

Regarding the contents of the tasks and solutions, Hien informed that in addition to inheritance of the tasks and solutions which still have  the unchanged value of the Resolution No.09-NQ/TW, the Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW  had been supplemented with a number of new tasks and solutions; Many contents included in the tasks and solutions had been innovated and completed to meet perspectives, goals and in line with the new context.

Accordingly, the Resolution No.41 identifies the viewpoint that the business team has an important position and role, being one of the core forces contributing to promoting the process of the national industrialization, modernization and integration; develop an independent, self-reliant economy, ensuring national defense and security. Strengthen links and cooperation among businessmen, between businessmen and workers, farmers, and intellectuals to jointly realize the country's development goals.

Hien summarized: The resolution sets out the overall goal of developing a strong team of entrepreneurs in term of quantity, quality, reasonable structure, vision, intelligence, ethics, entrepreneurial spirit, and legitimate enrichment, creative dynamism, advanced management capability, law compliance, ethics, and a national-identity business culture, social responsibility, awareness of environmental protection, making worthy contributions to the national development goals.

Regarding specific goals, by 2030, the Resolution No.41 clearly states, developing a workforce of Vietnamese entrepreneurs with scale, capacity and qualifications to meet the goals of industrialization and modernization of the country. Strive to have more and more businesses to reach regional level, some businesses reach world level. Some large-scale enterprises have leading roles in key industries and fields. Some businesses have an important position and role in the supply chain and global value chain, owning a number of industrial and agricultural value chains, and have international competitiveness in basic, prioritized and spearhead industries.

Regarding the vision to 2045, the Resolution determines the development of a workforce of Vietnamese entrepreneurs who have capacity and qualifications to meet the national goals of development, high income, position and regional and international prestige. A part of the enterprises has a world brand, leading a number of supply chains and global value ones.

Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of the agency, General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh attended and chaired the conference at the VSS bridge point

Regarding main tasks and solutions, Mr. Hien raised 7 groups of tasks & solutions. Accordingly, raise awareness about the position and role of business workforce in implementing the country's development goals. Complete policies and laws, create a favourable, safe, and equitable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses for their development and contribution. Develop a strong workforce of entrepreneurs on par with the goals and tasks of developing the country in the new era. Build up ethics and business culture, promote national spirit, arousing the desire to develop a prosperous and happy country. Strengthen solidarity, cooperation, and linkages between businessmen, workers, farmers, and intellectuals under the Party's leadership. Promoting the role of the Vietnam Confederation of Commerce and Industry and organizations representing entrepreneurs and businesses. Strengthen the Party's leadership and State management in building and promoting the role of businessmen workforce.

Also at the conference, representatives of the Ministry of Planning and Investment presented the Government's Action Program to implement the Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW of the Politburo. The Program sets a goal that by 2030, the whole country will have at least 2 million businesses, of which many entrepreneurs will be formed and developed to lead strong economic corporations which have potential, strength and competitiveness in domestic and international markets, promoting their role in paving the way to lead important industries and sectors of the economy.

The business sector contributes about 65-70% of the country's GDP, about 32-38% of total employment in the economy and 98-99% of total export turnover. About 65-70% of business owners have a university degree or higher and 20-25% of businesses are owned by women; There are at least 70 businesses with market capitalization of more than 1 billion USD, about 120 businesses with net revenue of more than 1 billion USD; The number of businesses which will be ranked among the businesses with the highest brand value by prestigious ranking organizations in the world increases by 10% each year...

Hightlight the social responsibility of Vietnamese business workforce

Speaking at the Conference, Nguyen Trong Nghia requested that all levels, sectors and localities need to innovate their thought and unify awareness of building up and promoting the role of Vietnamese business workforce in new period in the spirit of the Politburo's Resolution.

Nghia emphasized that in the coming time, domestic and regional issues will pose new challenges, requiring businesses and entrepreneurs to develop quickly, sustainably and constantly innovate to take advantage of opportunities, overcome challenges; build up and further promote the role of Vietnamese business workforce to make worthy contributions to the cause of building and protecting the Fatherland in the new situation.

After this conference, all levels, sectors and localities need to continue to organize conferences to thoroughly grasp the core contents of the Resolution to innovate thinking, unify awareness, build and promote the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs workforce in the new era in the spirit of the Politburo's Resolution.

Focus on propaganda and advocacy so that all officials and the people actively participate in implementing the resolution, especially helping Vietnamese entrepreneurs continue to be deeply aware of their role and mission, especially in  fast and sustainable socio-economic development, developing an independent and self-reliant national economy, associated with international integration, and ensuring national defense and security. Building entrepreneurs ethics by learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style; Highlight the social responsibility of Vietnamese entrepreneurs workforce. Promote patriotic emulation movements among entrepreneurs and aim to successfully achieve the set goals.

Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Committee Propaganda Department Nguyen Trong Nghia spoke at the Conference

Based on the comments and assessments of the Politburo on the remaining aspects and limitations of the Vietnamese entrepreneurs workforce in recent years, Nghia recommends that departments, ministries and localities need to find out the causes and responsibilities to overcome limitations and ensure drastic, synchronous and effective implementation of the Resolution. Especially, its necessary to continue to improve socialist – oriented market economic institutions; perfect and synchronize the policy and legal system; build breakthrough policies to encourage, create strong motivation, and free up resources to help businesses to develop stronger... Stick closely to the Party's resolutions, directives, and regulations on businesses and entrepreneurs to early institutionalize towards synchronization of institutions and policies, towards the satisfaction of the people and businesses.