Can a born-abroad child register for child health insurance?

22/05/2024 05:25 PM

Mr. Cong and his wife went to work in Japan, gave birth and registered their birth here. He wants to know that his child will be able to get a health insurance card for children under 6 years old when they return to Vietnam?

His family is in Japan. His wife gave birth 5 months ago and registered the child's birth at the Vietnamese Consulate in Osaka.

According to Mr. Cong, his family plans to return to Vietnam to live. He asked: "So when I return to Vietnam, can I get a health insurance card for children under 6 years old for my child? If so, what are the procedures? What documents are required?".

Currently, people can register online for health insurance for children under 6 years old on the National Public Service Portal (Illustration: Internet)

According to Vietnam Social Security (VSS), the issuance of health insurance cards to children under 6 years old is stipulated at Clause 6, Article 1 of the Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Health Insurance and Clause 5, Article 11 of Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP government.

Accordingly, children under 6 years old are eligible for having health insurance and are given free with health insurance cards (under group participating in health insurance paid for by the state budget).

Commune-level People's Committees are responsible for making the list of health insurance participants for children under 6 years old. The district-level social insurance agency, basing on the card issuance list sent by the commune-level People's Committee to issue health insurance cards to children under 6 years old under regulations.

Therefore, Vietnam Social Security recommends that Mr. Cong, after returning to Vietnam, contact the commune-level People's Committee where he permanently resides for having instructions on how to comply with regulations.

Thủ tục cấp mới thẻ BHYT cho trẻ dưới 6 tuổi chi tiết nhất

Illustrative image (internet)

In addition, Mr. Cong can register for a health insurance card for his child on the National Public Service Portal under the instructions regulated at Decision No. 976/QD-BHXH dated June 12nd, 2023 of Vietnam Social Security.

The Decision No. 976/QD-BHXH on providing regulations on the process of electronically-interconnected receiving and processing administrative procedure documents: Birth registration, permanent residence registration, issuance of health insurance cards for children under 6 years old on the national public service Portal.

Vietnam Social Security stated: "Please log in to the National Public Service Portal at or the Public Service Portal of Vietnam Social Security at: https://dichvucong.baohiemxahoi and follow the instructions".

*** From July 1st, 2023, Vietnam Social Security has implemented the group of interconnected administrative procedures "Birth registration - Permanent residence registration - Issuance of health insurance cards for children under 6 years old" on National Public Service Portal.

To carry out this procedure, parents/guardians/relatives of children under 6 years old only need to fully and accurately declare the electronic declaration for birth registration, permanent residence registration and issuance of health issuance card for children under 6 years old under the form posted on the National Public Service Portal.

For valid documents, the time to issue health insurance cards to children under 6 years old is no more than 2 working days from the date the social insurance agency receives the electronic copy of the birth certificate and electronic information and data from interconnected public service software.