The recovery of pensions, social insurance benefits for the deceased but unclaimed entitlements

02/02/2024 04:25 AM

The subject, resolving authority, and application cases of 'Recovery of pensions, social insurance benefits for the deceased but unclaimed entitlements' is regulated:

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Based on point 3.1, clause 3, Section V of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security:

• The subject performing the administrative procedure 'Recovery of pensions, social insurance benefits for the deceased but unclaimed entitlements' is an individual.

• The resolving authority for this administrative procedure is the provincial/district Social Insurance office.

• The application cases are: When the entitled person has passed away, but there are unclaimed entitlements, the relatives of the entitled person receive pension and social insurance benefits.

The time limit and result regulated for the administrative procedure 'Delegating authority to receive replacement of social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits:

Based on point 2.1, clause 2, Section V of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security:

• The time limit for resolving 'Delegating authority to receive replacement of social insurance benefits and unemployment insurance benefits is as follows: The Post Office, Social Security office receives the authorization or authorization contract according to legal regulations and immediately disburses to the authorized person within the monthly payment period of pension and social insurance benefits.

Illustrative image (VSS)

• The result of resolving this administrative procedure is demonstrated through: The authorized person receives the benefits on behalf of the entitled person.

The quantity and composition of the dossier for 'Consolidating Social Insurance books in case an individual has two or more books'

Based on point 1.7, clause 1, Section I of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security, the quantity of the dossier is 01 set; the composition of the dossier is as follows:

• For consolidating Social Insurance books in the case of an individual having two or more books (through the employer), the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for participating, adjusting information on Social Insurance, Health Insurance (Form TK1-TS);

+ All Social Insurance books of the employee.

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• For consolidating Social Insurance books in the case of an individual having two or more books, submitting the dossier directly, the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for participating, adjusting information on Social, Health Insurance (Form TK1-TS);

+ Social Insurance books proposed for consolidation (if any).