Settling the grant of benefits for eligible teachers who have not yet been granted seniority allowances in their pensions according to Decree No. 14/2020/NĐ-CP dated January 24, 2020

02/02/2024 02:10 PM

Who performs, and which agency resolves, and under what circumstances is the administrative procedure ‘Settling the grant of benefits for eligible teachers who have not yet been granted seniority allowances in their pensions according to Decree No. 14/2020/NĐ-CP dated January 24, 2020, of the Government’ regulated?

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Based on point 10.2, clause 10, Section III of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the General Director of Vietnam Social Security:

  • The subjects implementing this administrative procedure are individuals.
  • The agency performing ‘Settling the grant of benefits for eligible teachers who have not yet been granted seniority allowances in their pensions according to Decree No. 14/2020/NĐ-CP dated January 24, 2020, of the Government’ is the provincial/district Social Security Agency.

Applicable cases are: Eligible teachers entitled to benefits according to regulations who have not been granted the benefits from January 01, 2012, onward as specified in Decree No. 14/2020/NĐ-CP dated January 24, 2020, of the Government. The representative authorized by the deceased’s relatives (including: spouse, father, mother, adoptive father, adoptive mother, biological child, adopted child of the deceased person) can receive the benefit.

How is the administrative procedure 'Issuing a Certificate of non-simultaneous payment within the year without direct payment of health insurance costs' implemented?

Based on point 3.3, clause 3, Section IV of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security, the procedure for implementing this administrative procedure is as follows:

1. Health insurance participants choose to submit documents in one of the following forms:

o Via electronic transactions: Participants register to receive an authentication code and submit electronic documents to the Public Service Portal of VSS or through the I-VAN organization (if registered to use the I-VAN service). If not converting paper documents to electronic format, submit paper documents to the social insurance agency via postal services.

o Send documents via postal services.

o Submit directly to the document receiving department of the provincial or district-level social insurance agency or at the Service Center for Social Insurance of all levels.

2. Receive results:

o For results in writing: Certificate of non-simultaneous payment within the year or a written response from the social insurance agency regarding the insufficient conditions: receive through postal services or directly at the One-Stop Department of the provincial/district social insurance agency.

Quyền và nghĩa vụ của người lao động, người sử dụng lao động theo Bộ luật

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o In case of receiving on behalf:

+ If it is a relative or guardian: provide the Document receipt and result appointment, ID card/citizen ID card; documents proving the natural relationship/guardianship of the person enjoying health insurance (a copy of the household registration book or birth certificate or birth certificate or marriage certificate...).

+ If not a relative or guardian mentioned above: provide the Document receipt and result appointment, ID card/citizen ID card, authorization letter according to Form 13-HSB issued with Decision No. 166/QD-BHXH dated January 31, 2019, of VSS.

How are the time limit and results regulated for 'Reissuing, changing health insurance cards due to changes in personal information, object code, benefit code, and place code of the insured'?

Based on point 1.5, clause 1, Section II of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security:

• The time limit for resolving 'Reissuing, changing health insurance cards due to changes in personal information, object code, benefit code, and place code of the insured' is:

+ In case of information changes: Not more than 03 days from the date of receiving complete documents as prescribed.

+ For participants being treated at medical facilities: to be returned on the day when receiving complete documents as prescribed.

• Results of resolving this administrative procedure are demonstrated through: Health Insurance Card.

How is the subject, resolving authority, and application cases of 'Recovery of pensions, social insurance benefits for the deceased but unclaimed entitlements' regulated?

Based on point 3.1, clause 3, Section V of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security:

• The subject performing the administrative procedure 'Recovery of pensions, social insurance benefits for the deceased but unclaimed entitlements' is an individual.

• The resolving authority for this administrative procedure is the provincial/district Social Insurance agency.

• The application cases are: When the entitled person has passed away, but there are unclaimed entitlements, the relatives of the entitled person receive pension and social insurance benefits.

How is the time limit and result regulated for the administrative procedure 'Delegating authority to receive replacement of social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits'?

Based on point 2.1, clause 2, Section V of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security:

• The time limit for resolving 'Delegating authority to receive replacement of social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits' is as follows: The Post Office, Social Security agency receives the authorization or authorization contract according to legal regulations and immediately disburses to the authorized person within the monthly payment period of pension and social insurance benefits.

• The result of resolving this administrative procedure is demonstrated through: The authorized person receives the benefits on behalf of the entitled person.

Thị trường lao động TP.HCM thích ứng dịch: Xây dựng nền tảng bền vững - Tạp chí Tuyên giáo

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What is the quantity and composition of the dossier for 'Consolidating Social Insurance books in case an individual has two or more books'?


Based on point 1.7, clause 1, Section I of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security, the quantity of the dossier is 01 set; the composition of the dossier is as follows:

• For consolidating Social Insurance books in the case of an individual having two or more books (through the employer), the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for participating, adjusting information on Social Insurance, Health Insurance (Form TK1-TS);

+ All Social Insurance books of the employee.

• For consolidating Social Insurance books in the case of an individual having two or more books, submitting the dossier directly, the dossier includes:

+ Declaration form for participating, adjusting information on Social, Health Insurance (Form TK1-TS);

+ Social Insurance books proposed for consolidation (if any).