38th ASSA Board Meeting: Strengthening cooperation, exchange, ensuring social security for disadvantaged groups

02/12/2021 08:59 AM

After the seminars, on November 26, 2021, the Executive Committee of ASSA 38 held a conference to review, evaluate and resolve important issues in the association's activities for the 2020-2021 term and proposed solutions, activities in the near future.

ASSA Executive Committee members had a meeting via online sites

Towards the group of migrant workers during and after the pandemic

The meeting considered and approved the Minutes of the ASSA 37th board meeting in Cambodia; evaluated the performance of the association's working group on migrant workers; evaluated research reports on the mobility of social security benefits among ASEAN member states.

At the meeting, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) proposed to merge the roles of ASSA Chairman and ASEAN Chairman to strengthen the association's activities with ASEAN organizations. The VSS also proposed to improve the effectiveness of ASSA website so that member organizations can effectively and efficiently exploit and supplement information by updating information before each event. Regarding strengthening sharing and connection with members, the VSS proposed, in order to continue to adapt to the complicated situation of the epidemic and new challenges, seminars to exchange knowledge within the framework of ASSA in the next few years shall continue to be organized via online platforms, or online in combination with face-to-face, with participation and exchange from member organizations as well as international experts from prestigious international organizations in the region and the world (ILO, WB, ISSA, etc.).

Deputy General Director of VSS Dao Viet Anh delivered a speech at the board meeting

In the situation that the Covid-19 epidemic has severely affected all countries in the region, the VSS also proposed to prepare an emergency action plan for migrant workers, who are the most economically vulnerable.

Regarding the sharing of information and experiences on the negotiation and implementation of bilateral and multilateral agreements on social security, the VSS said that at present, in the context of the trend of freedom, labor movement is gaining popularity in the region and around the world. A number of ASSA member organizations (such as SSS Philippines) have also had extensive experience in negotiating and implementing bilateral and multilateral agreements on social security.

Therefore, the VSS proposed ASSA member organizations to share information and experiences on the negotiation and implementation of bilateral and multilateral agreements on social security through the organization of conferences, seminars, information exchange on the ASSA website, etc. in order to help ASSA member countries better perform in ensuring social security for workers from ASEAN countries to work in countries in the region and around the world and promote high-quality labor from other countries to work in ASEAN countries.

Transfer of ASSA Chairman position for the term 2021 – 2022

Within the framework of the 38th ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Board Meeting, the ASSA Chairman for the 2020-2021 term (ASSA 37) performed a ceremony to transfer the ASSA Chairmanship for the 2021-2022 term (ASSA 38) on behalf of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Transferring the title of ASSA Chairman for the 2021 - 2022 term (ASSA 38) to the representative of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

The title of ASSA 38 Vice Chairman was also transferred to the representative of Lao Social Security Organization (LSSO); also, the title of Secretary General of ASSA 38 was transferred to the representative of Indonesia; handing over the Logos and documents to the Chairman and Secretary General of ASSA 38.

Taking over the position of ASSA Chairman for the term 2021 - 2022, Anggoro Eko Cahyo, General Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, showed gratitude towards ASSA President 37 for his contributions during the 2020-2021 term and pledged in his new position to continue the path of construction cooperation that has been maintained by the association during the past time, in which, focusing on sharing experiences on the implementation of social security policies during the pandemic, overcoming immediate and long-term difficulties and challenges.

Mr. Anggoro Eko Cahyo - ASSA Chairman for the 2021 - 2022 term gave a speech after taking office

The Chairman of ASSA 38, moderator of the meeting, discussed and agreed on the agenda at the ASSA 39 Board Meeting, and the proposed contents of the discussion. The meeting proposed that ASSA 39 Chairman for the 2022-2023 term is the Lao Social Security Organization (LSSO); also, it is expected that the time for the ASSA 39 Board Meeting to be held on September 21-22, 2022, in Vientiane Capital (Lao People's Democratic Republic), however, if the epidemic situation Covid-19 remains complicated, the meeting will be held via online platforms.

Approving the Meeting Minutes of ASSA 37

In the afternoon of the same day, the ASSA 38 Secretariat Meeting also took place online between the association's member organizations. At the meeting, the members reviewed and approved the operation program of the ASSA 38 Secretariat; confirmed arising issues from the Meeting Minutes of the 37th ASSA Board Meeting.