03/11/2023 08:58 AM

The Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has sent an official dispatch to local social security offices on the implementation of Decree 75/2023/ND-CP which will take effect from December 3, 2023.

10/09/2023 09:25 AM

Participating in Student Health Insurance, students do not only receive a minimum of 30% support from the state for their contributions but also benefit from convenient and straightforward registration procedures. Moreover, they enjoy many practical privileges when facing illnesses. For many students, health insurance is not only a financial support system during difficult times but also provides them with the opportunity to receive medical treatment and return to their studies.

20/07/2023 03:25 PM

The Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has recently issued Official Letter No. 2079/VSS-CSYT, requesting provinces and cities to strengthen health insurance (HI) review activities in their respective areas.

29/09/2023 10:15 AM

From September 8th to 11th, the Tuyen Quang Provincial Social Security Office collaborated with Tan Trao University and Tuyen Quang Vocational College of Engineering and Technology to organize a conference to disseminate health insurance policies and legal regulations for students. The purpose of this conference was to timely communicate these policies to students during the new academic year.

27/09/2023 11:50 AM

On the afternoon of September 14th in Hanoi, under the chairmanship of Chairwoman Nguyen Thuy Anh, the Social Committee of the National Assembly held its 10th plenary session.

30/09/2023 09:48 AM

Students are the future owners of our country and constitute a significant proportion of our population. Ensuring 100% health insurance coverage for students is an important task that establishes a solid foundation for achieving universal health insurance goals. In this regard, in recent years, effective policies regarding student health insurance have been implemented, resulting in not only increased coverage but also the assurance of their health insurance benefits.

30/09/2023 03:55 PM

On September 28, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) opened a scientific workshop “Effective management and use of Health Insurance Fund: international experience and reality in Vietnam”. The hybrid event was presided over by VSS Deputy General Director Nguyen Duc Hoa at the VSS’s headquarters in Hanoi and connected with VSS offices and healthcare sector branches in all 63 cities and provinces across the country.

25/09/2023 10:55 AM

The Health Insurance Fund has paid more than VND5.3 trillion (US$217 million) for students' medical costs of examination and treatment between the beginning of last year and the first eight months of this year.

Local social security offices enforce new decree to ensure benefits of health insurance participants

Key Information about Student Health Insurance policy for the 2023-2024 Academic Year

The quality and effectiveness of health insurance review be strengthened

Tuyen Quang: About 1,000 Freshmen Informed of Health Insurance Policies and Legal Regulations for Student Health Insurance

Social Insurance Law Amendment Project: Coverage Expansion is not Solely the Responsibility of the Social Insurance Sector

Health Insurance for Students: Expanding Coverage and Increasing Benefits

Improved efficiency in management and use of Health Insurance Fund

Health insurance fund pays over $217m for students’ medical costs