How is the procedure for 'Settling the enjoyment of occupational accident and disease benefits due to recurrent disabilities' carried out?
Based on point 5.1, clause 5, Section III of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security, the procedure for implementing this administrative procedure is as follows:
Step 1. Prepare and submit the dossier
The employee prepares the dossier as prescribed and submits it to the Social Security agency where the benefit is paid (for cases receiving monthly benefits); for cases already receiving one-time occupational accident and disease benefits, submit the dossier to the Social Security agency in the place of residence.
Step 2. Social Security agency receives the dossier and processes it according to regulations.
Step 3. Receive the results
The employee receives the results of the resolution from the Social Security agency.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security