Over 4.2 million people undergo medical examination, treatment with chip-based ID cards

18/12/2022 03:42 PM

By November 2022, there were 11,945 medical examination and treatment facilities using chip-based citizen identification cards, accounting for 91.5 per cent of the total number of health insurance facilities nationwide. The number of health-insured patients receiving medical examination and treatment with chip-based ID citizen identification cards reached over 4.2 million.

More than 4.2 million health-insured patients received medical examination and treatment with chip-based ID cards nationwide. Photo for illustration

These are positive results of the pilot implementation of this initiative since March 2022. Vietnam Social Security (VSS) coordinated with relevant ministries and agencies to speed up digital transformation, including connecting and sharing data between the national database on population with the national database on insurance and gradually using chip-based ID cards instead of health insurance paper cards for medical examination and treatment.

According to the VSS, by the end of November 2022, the VSS’ system identified information relating to the insurance of nearly 68 million citizens registered in the national database on population and shared 62,044,274 records on social insurance and health insurance for the national database on population. 

Nearly 12,000 health insurance-based medical establishments provide health examination and treatment using chip-based ID cards, equivalent to 91.5 per cent of the country’s total number of health insurance-based facilities nationwide.

The Prime Minister issued Decision No 06/QD-TTg on January 6, 2022, to approve a master plan for developing the application of data on population, identification, and electronic authentication for national digital transformation during the 2022-2025 period with a vision to 2030.