12/07/2024 03:42 PM

On July 11st, 2024, in Quang Ninh, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) and the World Bank (WB) co-organized an international conference titled "Implementing social insurance policy: International experiences and implications for Vietnam".

10/07/2024 02:45 PM

In the afternoon of July 9th, General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh chaired the industry-wide online conference for the first 6 months of 2024 for summarizing workloads.

08/07/2024 10:13 AM

Implementing the Government’s Decree No 75/2024/NĐ-CP on adjusting pensions and monthly social insurance allowances, on July 1, General Director of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen The Manh and leaders of some VSS units inspected and directed the implementation of the Decree in Hanoi.

06/07/2024 05:55 AM

Relevant ministries, agencies and localities have been tasked with implementing social welfare policies and providing timely support to policy beneficiaries, people who sacrificed for the cause of national independence and reunification, and vulnerable groups.

05/07/2024 02:13 PM

The coverage of health insurance has increased, approaching the goal of universal health insurance, and the healthcare system has been expanded, resulting in improved quality of medical services. Additionally the health insurance fund has been safeguarded and has experienced sustainable growth.

04/07/2024 02:02 PM

The cooperation between Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) and international social security organisations, notably Sanofi-Aventis Viet Nam, has been a steadfast relationship marked by responsibility and effectiveness.

30/06/2024 05:20 PM

The National Assembly (NA) passed the Law on Social Insurance (revised) at the 15th National Assembly’s 7th session on June 29, 2024. The revised law passed with 454 out of 465 deputies in favour, representing 93.42 per cent of the deputies.

30/06/2024 01:45 PM

On June 30, 2024, during the 7th sitting of the 15th National Assembly (NA), the revised Law on Social Insurance was passed with 454 out of 465 deputies in favour, representing 93.42 per cent of the deputies.

Building up and developing social insurance policy: International experiences and implications for Vietnam

In the first 6 months of 2024: the entire VSS industry achieved outstanding results, creating momentum to successfully complete the year's tasks

VSS General Director: ensure timely, full and convenient payment of pensions according to the new increase for beneficiaries

Ministries, localities told to focus on implementing social welfare policies: Gov’t resolution

Health insurance coverage and healthcare system improve after 15 years of implementation

VSS and French partner tighten cooperation in health insurance

NA passes Social Insurance Law (revised) – new important points related to labourers

Law on social insurance (revised) receives unanimous approval