01/01/2022 11:08 AM

That is the direction of General Director of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen The Manh in a meeting with Social Security Office of Dong Da district, Hanoi on December 31 - the last day of 2021. This is also the direction and desire of the General Director Nguyen The Manh sent to all cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers in the whole Industry.

01/01/2022 03:15 AM

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has called for further stepping up COVID-19 prevention measures in the official dispatch released by the Government Office on Sunday, November 7.

29/12/2021 04:18 PM

Despite numerous challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, local social security agencies are making efforts to complete assigned tasks for 2021 and create favourable conditions for people and businesses.

29/12/2021 04:04 PM

Viet Nam's social insurance policy system is considered to be relatively complete, meeting the general trend compared to international standards.

29/12/2021 10:05 AM

According to VSS’ statistics, up to the end of Dec 21th 2021, local social security agencies have resolved benefits to 12,797,981 employees from unemployment insurance (UI) fund (including: 11,797,981 employees participating UI; 1,090,043 employees stopped participating UI) with the sum of VND 30.31 trillion.

23/12/2021 09:55 AM

Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) on December 9 organised a national conference virtually on professional training on emulation and commendation. VSS Deputy Director General Le Hung Son chaired the event.

20/12/2021 08:59 AM

The Government Office has just issued Notice No. 339/TB-VPCP stating the conclusions of Prime Minister (PM) Pham Minh Chinh at the meeting with Vietnam Social Security (VSS) on the situation of task performance in 2020 and 11 months of 2021; tasks, solutions for the last month of 2021 and the next period.

19/12/2021 03:50 PM

According to VSS’ statistics, up to Dec 13th 2021, social security in localities paid unemployment insurance benefit from unemployment insurance (UI) fund to 12,546,036 employees (including: 11,552,036 employees are participating UI; 994,312 employees stopped UI participation) with the sum of VND 29.671 thousands of million.

Upholding the spirit of service, ensuring the smooth operation of the social insurance agency during Tet holidays

PM calls for strict implementation of prevention measures against COVID-19

Local social security agencies accelerate completion of assigned tasks in 2021

VN’s social insurance policy relatively complete, meeting international standards

More than VND 30 trillion paid to employees from unemployment insurance fund

Viet Nam Social Security holds training on emulation and commendation

PM praised achieved results of VSS industry in 2020 and 11 months of 2021

12.5 millions of employees received support from Unemployement Insurance fund in the whole Vietnam