Health Insurance - For the purpose of protecting and enhancing people's health

27/07/2021 01:20 PM

With the practical meanings of the Health Insurance policy, over the years, the number of Health Insurance participants in our country observed a significant growth and exceeded the set targets. In 2016, the number of Health Insurance participants increased by 11% compared to 2015; in 2015 and 2017, the figure increased by 6-7% each year; in 2018-2020 period, the growth rate was maintained at around 3% per year.

As of December 31st, 2020, the number of Health Insurance participants was 87.97 million people, with an increase of 23.37 million people compared to 2014 (equivalent to an increase of 36%), reaching the health insurance coverage rate of 90.85% of the population. With this rate, Vietnam Social Security has basically achieved the goal of universal health coverage, running ahead of the schedule planned in Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW dated November 22nd, 2012 of the Politburo on strengthening the leadership of the Party with social insurance and health insurance for the period of 2012-2020.

Illustrative image (internet)

Furthermore, the opportunity to access health care services has been expanding, the number of cases receiving medical care covered by the Health Insurance Fund has also been increasing. Every year, VSS pays the medical care costs with health insurance for over 100 million inpatients and outpatients (in 2020, VSS paid for more than 167.6 million people with Health Insurance coverage with the amount of nearly 103 trillion VND; in the first 6 months of 2021, nearly 76 million people with Health Insurance coverage were paid for more than 49 trillion VND). Currently, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic that directly affects people's lives and incomes, the Health Insurance Fund has helped many families to overcome difficulties and relieve the burden of medical care payment in case the insured person unfortunately gets sick or diseases.

Over the past few years, with the responsibility of implementing the Health Insurance policy, VSS has made consistent efforts to enforce the Health Insurance law effectively; timely ensure the benefits of the Health Insurance participants through a series of solutions, such as: Accelerating the reform of administrative procedures; effectively promoting the I.T application; raising the sense of responsibility and service quality; stepping up the inspection, examination, and petition to deal with the acts of abusing and profiteering of Health Insurance Fund,etc.

Particularly, from June 1st, 2021, VSS has cooperated with healthcare facilities to use the image of Health Insurance cards on "VssID - Digital Social Security" app as a replacement to paper Health Insurance card nationwide. This is considered a breakthrough, in accordance with the industry's digital transformation trend, and also becomes more suitable in the complicated context of Covid-19, creating the  maximum convenience for the Health Insurance policy’s participants and beneficiaries.