Honoring typical employers in the implementation of social and health insurance policies

27/05/2021 06:30 PM

On May 27, in Hanoi, Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu had a meeting with units under the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) on organizing a 1st Ceremony to honor typical national employers in the implementation of social and health insurance policies - 2021.

Accordingly, the honoring program is organized by the VSS, in order to promptly encourage typical employers (enterprises, non-business units) in implementing social and health insurance policies. Thereby, encouraging the business community and the whole society to well implement the Party's directions and guidelines and the State's policies and laws on social and health insurance; ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of social and health insurance of employees and people, contributing to ensuring social security and socio-economic development of the country.

Through the honoring ceremony, it also helps to create a spread in the implementation of policies and laws on social and health insurance; thereby contributing to speeding up the coverage of social and health insurance in the spirit of Resolution 21/NQ-TW dated November 22, 2012 on strengthening the leadership of the Party in social and health insurance for the period 2012-2020 and Decree No. Decision 28/NQ-TW dated May 23, 2018 on reforming social insurance policies.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy General Director Tran Dinh Lieu requested the Customer Service Center to preside over and coordinate with relevant units to develop the program and content for the honoring ceremony. Accordingly, the plan must clearly define the purposes, requirements and objects to be honored on the basis of specific selection criteria; it also must specify the method, time and scale of the organization according to the actual situation and developments of the COVID-19 epidemic to choose whether to hold it online or in person.

In addition, the consideration and honor of the employers must ensure objectivity, fairness, transparency, in accordance with the standards set forth and in accordance with the VSS's Regulations on Emulation and Commendation. The preparation and organization of the ceremony must be solemn, practical, efficient and economical. After agreeing on the program and the plan, the VSS will issue and deploy an implementation plan on a national scale.