From Jul. 1st 2021: To adjust conception of family health insurance May 13th 2021

17/05/2021 10:07 AM

November 13th 2020, passed by National Assembly, Residence Law 2020 is effective from July 1st 2021. This Law amends and supplements content of some related laws, in which Health Insurance Law is included.


 Illustration photo. Source: internet

In detail, Clause 2 Article 38 of Residence Law amends Clause 7 Article 2 of Health Insurance Law 2008 (amended in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2018) as follows:

Household participating health insurance is that subjects have declaration for permanent residence or temporary residence in the same legal accommodation as regulated in Residence Law. 

Meanwhile, Health Insurance Law regulates:

Household participating health insurance comprises all subjects named in household residence book or temporary residence book.

Therefore, under new regulation, residents who are eligible for family health insurance participation must be people: to have declaration for permanent residence or temporary residence at the same legal accommodation, instead of the same household book as before.

This amendment comes from regulations in Residence Law 2020 which is effective from Jan. 1st 2023. As regulated in this Law, household registration book and temporary residence book are officially abrogated, instead by the management on National Population Database.