Conditions, procedures, place of issuance and the new model health insurance card

27/03/2021 03:55 PM

From April 1, 2021, the new model of the health insurance card will be applied nationwide according to Decision No. 1666 of Vietnam Social Seurity (VSS). Here are information about the conditions, subjects, procedures, place of issuance and the new model health insurance card.

1. When will the new model health insurance card be issued?

Once the local social insurance agencies have used up all the old model health insurance cards, the new ones will be issued.

2. To whom is the new model health insurance card issued?

After the provincial social insurance agencies have used up all rough draft of the old model health insurance cards, the new ones shall be issued in the following cases:

- New participants of health insurance.

- Participants who lost their health insurance cards.

- Participants who have torn, damaged or changed information on the health insurance card.

* Note: During the period of changing from the old model health insurance card to the new one, those who are using the valid old model health insurance card are able to continue using them for medical examination and treatment under health insurance and extend the use of health insurance card on the management database, but not to print or change the health insurance card (except the above cases).

3. Place of receipt of dossiers for new or re-issue of health insurance cards

a) At the social insurance agency in the following cases:

+ The person whose health insurance premiums are paid by the social insurance organization.

+ The person receiving a part of the health insurance premium subsidy from the state budget.

+ Participants of household-based health insurance.

+ People who are enjoying unemployment benefits change their health insurance cards.

+ People who donated body organs.

b) At collection agents of social insurance and health insurance in the following cases:

+ The person receiving a part of the health insurance premium subsidy from the state budget.

+ Participants of household-based health insurance.

c) At the commune-level People's Committees in the following cases:

+ The person whose health insurance premiums are paid by the state budget.

+ The person whose health insurance premiums are paid by the social insurance organization.

d) At Enterprises: The insured shall pay at the enterprise and submit the application to the employer.

e) At Schools/Institutions: Pupils and students shall pay health insurance premiums and submit the dossiers to the school.

The new model health insurance card

4. What are the procedures and registration dossiers needed when changing the card?

- The participant shall fill in the Declaration on participation and change of information on the social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS);

- For organ donors: Submit an additional certificate of discharge stating "I have undergone an organ donation";

- In case the participant is entitled to higher health insurance benefits: Additional proofs (if any).