Updated regulation on seniority allowance for retired teachers and payment requirements for health insurance medicines

21/08/2020 08:47 AM

Retired teachers who have not received seniority allowance, will get further benefits

This is the content of Decree 14/2020/NĐ-CP stipulating the benefits scheme for retired teachers who have not received the seniority allowance along with their pension. The Decree will be in effect from March 15th 2020 onwards. Retired teachers as stated in Article 2 of the Decree will get further benefits in case they have not received their seniority allowance if they meet requirements as below:

- Having directly carried out teaching, education, guidance on practical and made social insurance contribution for at least 5 years (12 months).

- Retiring from January 1st 1994 to May 31st 2011.

- Having received pension at the time of January 1st 2012. In case of temporarily not being entitled to pension according to the Health Insurance Law, they will get benefits after being entitled to pension again.

The formula for calculating the lump-sum allowance in cash: the amount of allowance = (monthly pension x 10%) x the number of years entitled to the allowance.

The teacher deceased from January 1st 2012 onwards, who met the requirements for being entitled to the allowance as stated in this Decree but did not receive the allowance, the representative with authorization of the deceased’s family members (including the wife, husband, natural father, natural mother, foster father, natural child, foster child of the deceased) will apply for the allowance scheme in line with regulations. The authorized representative will take responsibility before the law for the documents and the received allowance.

Requirements for medicine payment for insured person

According to Circular 01/2020/TT-BYT, Ministry of Health has made amendment and supplement to the list and the rate, requirements for medicine payment which the insured person is entitled to. The Circular will be in effect from March 1st 2020 onwards.

In comparision to regulations stated in Circular No.30 in 2018, the requirements and payment rate of some medicine are adjusted as below:

- Liraglutide: Health insurance fund will make 30% of the payment for Diabetic type 2 who meets the following requirements:

            + People above 40 years old, with BMI > 23, suffering from diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular disease or hypertension;

            + People who have no control over their blood sugar for more than 3 months;

            + People suffering from renal failure with CrCl > 59ml/minute.

- Hydroxyethyl Starch: Health insurance fund will make payment for the treatment of stroke volume decrease due to acute blood loss in case the use of drip-feed makes no clinical improvement; the treatment of acute Denge hemorrhagic fever in line with the Ministry of Health’s guideline on diagnosis and treatment of Denge hemorrhagic fever.      

- Imatinib: Health insurance fund will make 80% of the payment for the treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia or Gastroinestinal stromal tumor (the previous payment rate was 50%).