Promoting voluntary social insurance in Viet Nam

19/08/2020 08:32 AM

According to Vietnam Social Security (VSS), although the number of voluntary SI participants increased rapidly in the last year, this number still did not match its potential; thus 2020 will be an important transitional year to achieve a development goal by 2021 for voluntary social insurance (SI) defined in Resolution No. 28-NQ/TW (farmers and informal-sector laborer participating in voluntary SI making up about 1% of working age workforce).

Even when the number of voluntary SI participants reached all time high in 2019, statistics showed that about 30 million people in the whole country have not yet participated in SI scheme. This is an opportunity for VSS to continue to achieve the goal of increasing SI participants.

Recognizing the importance of attracting people to voluntary SI scheme, last year Provincial Social Security Offices from all part of Viet Nam as well as contribution-collecting agents have applied innovative and flexible methods to approach potential participants.

In Nghe An, the Provincial Social Security Office has worked closely with contribution-collecting agents with the motto "go to each house, meet each person" to introduce social security policies and attract people to voluntary SI and household health insurance (HI) schemes. By the end of 2019, the number voluntary SI participants in the province reached 49.447. This figure is not only higher than target assigned by VSS, but also surpassed 104,1% of the supplemented target; and 17.562 people higher comparing to the same period in 2018. These agents have clearly shown the role as an "extended arm" to raise the people’s awareness of SI and HI policies, help providing them comprehensive and accurate information.

Another method praised to be highly efficient used by an contribution-collecting agent in Lang Son province was broadcasting and interacting directly on social networks (live-stream) to provide information the voluntary SI and household HI policies. Each live broadcast could attract more than 3.000 viewers, hundreds of shares and comments. Each live-stream only lasted 45 minutes but this agent was able to convince dozens of people to join voluntary SI and HI schemes. This method not only meets the social distance requirements during the time of COVID-19 prevention but also is an innovative and suitable communication method for public education in the Industry 4.0 era.

In  the upcoming time, to further support provincial Social Security Offices and contribution-collecting agents, VSS will expand its contribution-collecting agent network, strive for voluntary SI collecting sites at every village, mountain village or civil group; train and support contribution-collecting agents so that they can effectively cooperate with VSS in its grassroot public education and able to raise awareness and provide consultation to each and everybody in the community; assign targets and plans to increase SI participants to each district level Social Security Office and each contribution-colleting agent. In addition, VSS will continue to promote the application of information technology and the reform of administrative procedures; diversify forms and methods of receiving dossiers, return results, collect contributions, and transfer money to the fund to create favorable conditions for using its services for participants.