Information about application dossiers for unemployment benefits for employees
24/05/2020 09:25 AM
After submitting the dossier within 15 working days from the date of filing, if the employee has not yet been able to find a job, the Employment Service Center confirms the resolution of the dossier for unemployment allowance.
Processing dossiers for the employees to receive unemployment benefits.
To receive unemployment insurance, employees need to follow these steps in order:
1. Prepare application dossiers for unemployment benefits
According to the Employment Law and Decree 28/2015/ND-CP dated March, 12nd, 2015 stipulating the documents for unemployment insurance benefits, within 3 months from leaving the job, employees must submit their unemployment application dossiers to the Employment Service Center (ESC) in the locality where workers want to receive unemployment benefits. The dossiers must include:
- The unemployment benefits application form (the latest form No.3)
- Attached 01 copy of the termination decision (the original or notarized copy)
- Attached 01 copy of ID card or citizen ID
- Attached 01 copy of the social insurance book and the separate sheets, the original book and the original sheets for comparison
2. Certification of dossiers process of application for unemployment benefits
After submitting the dossier within 15 working days from the date of filing and the employee has not yet been able to find a job, the ESC confirms the resolution of the dossier for unemployment allowance. Within 20 working days from the date of applying, the ESC issues a decision approving the payment of unemployment benefits with the social insurance book with the certification of payment to the employee.
3. Receiving unemployment benefits
According to Clause 2, Article 18 of Decree No. 28/2015/ND-CP, within 5 working days from the date of issuance of the decision to approve the payment of unemployment benefits, the local social insurance agency shall pay the first month's allowance to the employee with the Health Insurance card.
Monthly, the social insurance agency shall pay unemployment allowance within 12 days from the date of receiving the unemployment allowance of that month if not receiving the decision to suspend or terminate the unemployment benefit of the employee.
4. Monthly notifying about finding jobs
During the process of receiving unemployment insurance benefits, the employee must go to the ESC monthly to notify about finding a job while they are receiving unemployment benefits (according to the appointment schedule attached to the decision on unemployment allowance)./.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security