February 2018 – Updates on social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance

27/03/2018 04:07 PM

According to a report of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS), as of February 28, 13.79 million Vietnamese people registered for social insurance schemes, of whom 228,200 joined voluntarily. Unemployment insurance covered 11.69 million people, while the health insurance coverage reached 85.9 percent, or 80.55 million people.

According to a report of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS), as of February 28, 13.79 million Vietnamese people registered for social insurance schemes, of whom 228,200 joined voluntarily. Unemployment insurance covered 11.69 million people, while the health insurance coverage reached 85.9 percent, or 80.55 million people.

In February, collection from social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance was valued at 19.8 trillion VND (871.64 million USD), raising the figure in the first two months of the year to over 37.9 trillion VND, equal to 11.2 percent of 2018 target and up 13.7 percent year-on-year. Social insurance debts accounted for 4.5 percent of the amount to be collected.

As of February 28, 13.66 million people had social insurance books, accounting for 99.3 percent of the total. Over 10.5 million social insurance books were handed over to the owners.  Meanwhile, health insurance cards were provided for 80.55 million people, with 67.15 million following social insurance codes.

During January-February, 3.2 million people received monthly retirement pension and social insurance allowance. In February, the sector provided lump sum allowance for 41,286 people, maternity allowance for 225,804 people, and health recovery pension for 42,922 people.

VSS also coordinated with the labour, invalids and social affairs sector to give unemployment allowance for 29,652 people and vocational training assistance for 1,991 others.

Health check-ups and treatment were conducted for 10.68 million health insurance card holders in February, and 24.84 million in the first two months of this year.

Social, unemployment and health insurance expenditure was valued at more than 28.9 trillion VND in February, and nearly 51.6 trillion VND in the first two months.

International Cooperation Department