Vietnam Social Security provides guidance on creating the list of archives and electronic records

23/09/2024 08:55 AM

On September 18, 2024, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) issued Official Dispatch No. 3238/BHXH-LT, providing guidance on several contents of creating the list of archives and setting up electronic records under Decision No. 3012/QD-BHXH dated October 28th 2022, which issued regulations on clerical work within the Vietnam Social Security sector, and Decision No. 1139/QD-BHXH dated October 28, 2013, which issued regulations on VSS’ archiving work within.

4 steps to create the list of archives

The archives list of the Vietnam /Provincial Social Security offices (referred to  Province/Distrct/Commune Social Security Social Security offices (referred to unit) is annually issued as a basis for creating paper or electronic records (hereafter referred to as collectively as the the office’s list of records). The list of records is built under the following steps:

Step 1, Civil servants, officials and employees of VSS’ departments/sectors under province Social Security office (collectively called as units) prepare a list of records they need to create for the year based on the professional guidance from VSS’Archive Center /Archive sector of the Provincial Social Security office/Archive sector of the Professional Unit of District Social Security (collectively referred to as the office’s archives ) and submit to the office’s archives.

Illustrative image (VSS)

Step 2: The office’s archives sums up the units’ lists into the office’s record list including the heading, number, and symbols, record titles, retention duration, and the task assignee responsible for creating the records. The list of records is set up under Form No. 03 - Appendix IV of VSS’ records and archives regulation is issued under Decision No. 3012/QD-BHXH. The process includes: (i) establishing a framework for the office’s record list of the age; (ii) identifying the neccesary created records; (iii) determining the retention period for each record; (iv) numbering and assigning symbols of document to the sections and records.

Step 3: Finalizing the office's record list. The office’s archives sector collects feedback from related units, supplements, adjustments (if necessary), and completes the draft for approval by VSS’ leaders (provincial or district-level Social Security leaders).

Step 4: Based on the office's annual approved record list, the unit's archive official creates  the year’s record list tree expected to be built into the Document Operation and Management System for each unit according to Decision No. 3012/QD-BHXH.

7 steps to set up electronic records on the Document Operation and Management System

Electronic records in the Document and Operational Management Systems are created under these steps: Opening the record – updating detailed information about the record – collecting and updating documents into the record – arranging documents of the record – editing and finalizing the record – inserting the document index in the record – closing the record.

Responsibilities for implementation organization

The dispatch requires that: (1) The Information Technology Center adjusts and adds functions to the Document Management System and the Electronic Archive software to fully support to create the list of records and set up electronic record establishment under regulation, while also providing technical solutions to integrate and connect the Document and Operational Management System, other professional software, and the Electronic Archive software for receiving and submitting electronic records to the Agency Archives; (2) The Archive Center guides, monitors, and urges affiliated units of Vietnam Social Security, Provincial, and District Social Security office to implement the creation of record lists and electronic records and coordinates with the Office and the Information Technology Center to finalize the necessary functions in the Document and Operational Management System and the Electronic Archive software; (3) The heads of affiliated units, Provincial Social Security office Directors, and District Social Security office Directors instruct offices, civil servants, and employees to strictly follow the regulations on creating the list of records and setting up electronic records.