74% of beneficiaries receive social insurance and unemployment benefits via personal accounts in urban areas

29/07/2024 08:10 AM

In the afternoon of July 10th, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation, chaired the 9th meeting of the Committee and the Working Group to implement the Government's Project 06, summarizing the first 6 months of the year for implementation of national digital transformation and Project 06.

Attending the meeting at the Government headquarters were: Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Standing Vice Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation; Ministers, leaders of ministries and branches; Committee members; corporations and large information technology enterprises.

National online connection meeting from Government headquarters to People's Committee headquarters of provinces and centrally run cities. Attending the meeting at the Vietnam Social Security were: General Director Nguyen The Manh - Head of the Steering Committee for Digital Transformation of Vietnam Social Insurance Industry; Deputy General Directors: Tran Dinh Lieu, Dao Viet Anh; Leaders and civil servants of affiliated units are members of the Industry's Digital Transformation Steering Committee and the Working Group to implement Project 06 of VSS. Deputy General Director Chu Manh Sinh - Head of the Working Group for implementing Project 06 of VSS attended the meeting at the Government headquarters.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the opening of the meeting

In his opening remarks, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said that in recent times, the Government and the Prime Minister has drastically directed and synchronously deployed solutions to effectively, efficiently implement national digital transformation; promote digital transformation in most fields; Focus on building and perfecting institutions and policy mechanisms to promote the development of digital government, digital economy, digital society, and digital citizen.

At the same time, organize drastic implementation of Project 06 from Central to grassroots level, which is agreed, supported and highly appreciated by the people and businesses; contributing to changing management methods and improving quality and efficiency in citizen management; save time and effort; create an important foundation for deploying online public services.

To continue to effectively carry out the task of national digital transformation and implement Project 06, in the coming time, the Prime Minister requested delegates to to discuss, analyze and evaluate the results of implementation of digital transformation and Project 06 under the 2024 Plan; At the same time, share good experiences, valuable lessons, and creative ways in leadership, direction, administration, and implementation (digital infrastructure development; online public service provision; national database development), information connection and sharing, forming big data; human resources training and development; good models and practices of some ministries, branches, localities...) and clearly defining tasks, key solutions in the coming time.

Delegates attended the meeting at the VSS

At the meeting, leaders of the Ministry of Information and Communications reported on the results of digital transformation in the first 6 months of 2024 and the results of implementing tasks under the year-2024 Plan of the National Committee on Digital Transformation. Leaders of the Ministry of Public Security reported on summarizing the situation and results of implementing Project 06 in the first 6 months of the year 2024 and key directions, tasks and solutions for the last 6 months of the year 2024.

According to the reports the results of this impementation of the VSS industry, particularly, in terms of completing the database, deploying online public services, especially implementing pension payments, monthly social insurance benefits via personal account, ensuring timely and full payment under regulation on the new rate as of July 1st.

To achieve that results, according to the report of VSS, recently, implementing the Government's policy and the Prime Minister's direction on promoting non-cash payments, Vietnam Social Security has implemented the synchronous, drastic and effective solutions to conduct monthly payment of pensions and social insurance benefits via personal accounts for beneficiaries, ensuring safety and timeliness.

Creating a foundation for effectively implementing this form of payment, currently, the Vietnam Social Security system has authenticated more than 97.6 million demographic information in the database managed by Vietnam Social Security; Of which, there are about 87.4 million people are participating in and receiving social, health, and unemployment insurance, accounting for 98% of the total number of participants (excluding armed forces and military relatives) with the national population database. In particular, there are nearly 3.4 million people who receive monthly pensions and benefits that are synchronized with the national population database (reaching 100%).

Therefore, in the context of the National Assembly voting to approve salary reform contents; Adjusting pensions, social insurance benefits, preferential benefits for people with meritorious services and social benefits from July 1st, 2024 and the Prime Minister signed  Decree No. 75/2024/ND-CP dated June 30, 2024 on adjusting pensions, social insurance benefits and monthly benefits, VSS has carefully and fully prepared and fully to meet the necessary conditions on data, communication... to be ready to pay pensions, monthly social insurance benefits via personal accounts for beneficiaries. On July 1st, VSS paid directly for more than 70% of beneficiaries and via accounts. Thereby, creating good public opinion and excited psychology for beneficiaries, ensuring the payment of pensions and social insurance benefits under the newly issued Decree in a timely, accurate, convenient and safe manner for beneficiaries.

Regarding opening personal accounts for the people receiving pensions and monthly social insurance benefits, implementing the target tasks regulated at Decision No. 1813/QD-TTg dated October 28th, 2021 of the Prime Minister on approving the the Project to develop non-cash payments in Vietnam for the period 2021 - 2025, Vietnam Social Security has synchronously and drastically implemented many solutions, directed social insurance office of provinces and cities, and coordinated with relevant units for implementation. As a result, to December 31st, 2023, the proportion of people receiving pensions and monthly benefits via non-cash payments in urban areas reached 64% (exceeding 4%, going beyond expectation and reached the target 2 years in advance compared to the plan assigned by the Prime Minister).

At the same time, carrying out the tasks set ou at the Decision No. 38/QD-TTg dated January 11st, 2024 of the Prime Minister, Vietnam Social Security has coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security to authenticate beneficiary data with the national population database. On March 22nd, 2024, Vietnam Social Security signed Coordination Process No. 2286/C06-TCKT with the Police Department of Administrative Management of Social Order (C06) - Ministry of Public Security on implementation of non-cash payment development in the payment of pensions and social insurance benefits on the national population database to increase the proportion of the people receiving social insurance benefits by applying non-cash payment methods; At the same time, review and verify the beneficiaries's status at the place of residence. To ensure synchronous and widespread implementation nation-wide, Vietnam Social Security has directed provincial and city social insurance offices to coordinate with the police sector to promptly advise party committees and local authorities and drastically direct implementation, and at the same time, coordinate with the post offices and banks to promote forms of propaganda and information provision to the people, in particular, the social insurance offices have coordinated with the local police office, access the grassroots, each person's house to approach, mobilize, propagate, and encourage beneficiaries to open and register to receive benefits via personal accounts.

To July 9th, 2024, 74% of beneficiaries received social insurance and unemployment benefits via personal accounts in urban areas, 12% higher than the target assigned by the Prime Minister. Many localities have reached over 75% of beneficiaries who receive monthly social insurance benefits via personal accounts, such as: Ha Tinh: 99%, Hanoi: 95%, Binh Duong: 89%, Bac Ninh: 80%, Tien Giang: 78% , Ho Chi Minh City: 75%...

General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh examines payment and meets with pension recipients via personal accounts on July 1, 2024

Payment of monthly pensions and social insurance benefits via personal accounts brings about many benefits. For beneficiaries, it is guaranteed to be quick, safe, and convenient. For social insurance offices: Save management costs, time, implementation progress, improve the quality of beneficiary management, and ensure strictness.

To continue promoting the implementation of this payment, in the coming time, Vietnam Social Security proposes and recommends that the Prime Minister shall direct ministries, branches and localities to continue improving the quality of coordination with the VSS industry in organizing and performing tasks, especially promoting non-cash payments, paying pensions and monthly social insurance benefits via personal accounts for beneficiaries, ensuring strictness, safety, timely. The Prime Minister directed the State Bank and commercial banking system to pay attention to upgrade facilities and strengthen the network of cash withdrawal places so that beneficiaries can conveniently access bank services; Upgrade technology systems and payment methods to ensure quick and safe money transfers, creating favorable and easy conditions for beneficiaries to access services./.

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