High quality vocation education and social security protection for the labour

24/07/2024 09:05 AM

Vietnam has set a target to have 1,800 vocational education facilities by 2025, including three national high-quality vocational training centres and six regional centres.

Hanoi's authorities will come up come up with specific solutions to improve the quality of labor and link vocational training with labor market demand, targeting 73.2% of skilled workers.

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Social protection instruments like social insurance, social assistance, and labor and economic inclusion programs help people, efind better jobs. As well as, must pay attention to investment in facilities, personnel, and study programs at secondary schools and vocational training institutions, in addition to improving the quality of education at universities and colleges

It is very important to enhance working quality for labors

International assistance to vocational education in Vietnam various multilateral and bilateral donors have provided technical and financial assistance to VET in Vietnam since the late 1990s (particularly the ADB, Germany, Korea and Japan) ADB, together with the French, Japanese and Nordic aid, supported MOLISA’s Vocational and Technical Education Project (1998 to 2008) which established 15 schools, developed skills standards for 48 occupations, introduced an accreditation system and piloted labour force information systems and a national testing and certification program. A planned further loan for the Skills Enhancement Project will assess the relevance of the VET sector to the labour market, and develop a long term strategy to improve skills training The International Labour Organization, in partnership with MOLISA, is implementing the Labour Market Project, launched in 2008 with US$ 18.3 million funded by European Union. The project will run until late 2010, developing labour market information centres within MOLISA and provincial authorities, strengthening the quality of VET teachers, and developing national skill standards in one industrial sector.

How to Pursue Vocational Study in the USA: A Guide for International Students | Shorelight

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German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)’s Project on Promotion of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (2006 to 2010) advises GoV on labour-market oriented skills training for sectors with potential for growth and employment, assisting with curricula reform; improving teaching and learning materials and in-service teacher training. The Korean International Cooperation Agency has supported skills development since 1994 eg support for Hanoi Vocational Training Centre (equipment for electronics, automobile maintenance and refrigeration training and training of teachers) and support for the KoreaVietnam Industrial Technology Institute, a technical engineering school (equipment, technical expertise and designing curricula and education materials). Japan International Cooperation Agency has assisted the Hanoi Industrial College and constructed and equipped provincial VET centres through the Grass-roots Human Security Fund.

According to Vice Chairman of Ung Hoa District People's Committee Ngo Tien Hoang, it is flexible for real-world adaptation. In recent years, the district has carried out vocational training linked to the new programs and goals of rural construction and the socio-economic development plans and would adjust them according to reality.